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Freya did not sleep at all that night. She couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Bill. She couldn't believe it. After all these years, it finally happened. She stretched and changed out of her night clothes before putting on a dress and boots before heading downstairs. She wasn't surprised to see Mrs Weasley already preparing breakfast for the rest of the family whilst reading the newspaper.

"Morning, Molly." Freya greeted her with a small smile as she poured herself a cup of tea.

"Good morning, dear." Molly replied with a warm smile, glancing up from the newspaper. "Slept well?"

Freya shrugged in response and sat down. "Not really..."

"Did you talk to Bill when he got back? I didn't hear him come home last night." She frowned. "Oh, I hope that boy didn't do anything stupid or so help me Merlin--" Freya stretched her arm and reached for Molly's hand, squeezing it.

"He didn't, Molly. Don't worry. He told me he--" Before she could finish her sentence, Percy and the twins rushed downstairs. Percy's face was red with rage, whilst the twins laughed hysterically. Freya chuckled. "Stink pellets again, boys?"

"I cannot wait until I start school again, and avoid their shenanigans for a whole year." Percy muttered, sitting down next to Freya.

"Fred, George... Stink pellets are getting super old." She explained in a serious tone, and then added with a smile, "You should go for Dungbombs next time."

The twins cheered and high-fived, while Percy groaned, burying his head in the book he carried along with him. "Why do you always take their side, Freya?"

"It's just banter, Perce. Keep in mind: you're Head Boy, you can boss them around and give them detention for no reason. Especially since it's their last year at Hogwarts. Make it their worst year ever."

Percy nodded, smiling mischievously as he glanced at the now-scared twins. "Wait, he can't do that..." Fred looked at his mother with a worried look on his face. "Can he, Ma?"

"Oh, I will." Percy smirked. "You two are known for breaking a lot of rules." Picking up an orange, he stood up, book open with one hand. "I know all your pranks by now." And he left the kitchen. Freya scoffed, shaking her head with a smile.

"Morning, Ginny!" Ms Weasley exclaimed, seeing her coming downstairs with Ron, both of which had their noses down their shirts.

"Ma, the twins have got to stop putting Dung Pellets in Percy's room. It'll take me ages to forget the stench." Ron moaned as his mother placed a kiss on the top of his forehead, doing the same with Ginny, who kissed her back on the cheek.

"Count your blessing, Ronald." Freya chuckled, tossing him a roll of bread, which he caught not-so gracefully, munching onto it. Then she shifted her focus on Ginny, who was avoiding eye contact. "Morning, Ginny!"

Ginny simply nodded, averting her eyes, causing Freya to frown. Was she okay? she thought. Before she could ask her, Arthur and Bill rushed downstairs, dressed in their work clothes. Freya blushed slightly, seeing Bill. She felt like she was seeing him for the first time as an adult. Ginny immediately stood up and went outside, grabbing an orange along with her.

"Morning, Arthur." Molly gushed, giving him a peck on the lips. Ron and the twins groaned at the sight, but Freya just smiled softly. The love Arthur and Molly shared was undeniable despite the tough times they faced financially. Her parents, on the other hand, never loved each other. She hoped that if things between Bill and her progressed, their love would be modelled after his parents'. 

"Where's Percy?" he asked, about to sit down for breakfast. "Studying?" Everyone nodded. After looking at the time, Arthur pushed the chair back against the table. "Good Merlin, Bill. Grab something for the way, we're late!"

ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏᴀʟ • ʙɪʟʟ ᴡᴇᴀꜱʟᴇʏDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora