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Freya took her sweet time to get ready. Even then she had ample time to spare, so she kept busy by cleaning the whole house and do the laundry, which was very little since it was just her. The feeling of restlessness was still there. Every small sound almost made her jump out of her skin. She knew she was alone in the house, but she felt watched, observed.

The last thing she did before she sat in the living room waiting for Bill to arrive was put on her dress and shoes. She didn't have much formal clothing to go about, and money was lacking so she couldn't just go buy herself a new dress, so she went for her nicest floral dress and brown boots. 

Bill arrived almost as soon as she was down into the living room. His eyes lit up when he saw her. "Freya, love, you look beau-- oof!" He had his breath knocked out of him when Freya jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He chuckled as he hugged her back. "Love, a-are you okay...?" He pulled away slightly, one arm still around her as he tilted her chin up with his fingers, seeing her eyes glistened with tears. "Oh, Freya. What's wrong?"

"I- I feel like something's wrong." They sat down on the sofa and Bill handed her his handkerchief, which Freya used to clean her tears. "The second I got here, I felt like I was being watched." She looked up at him. "Bill, i-if it's not much to ask--"

"Love, say no more." He smiled softly as he cupped her face, looking into her eyes. "I can stay for as long as you want me to. If you don't feel comfortable here, you can always come to The Burrow. That offer still stands."

She nodded and whispered, "Okay."

Bill gave her one last kiss before standing up, extending his arm to her. "Shall we, my love?" Freya smiled and took his hand and he hoisted her up. He didn't move as he glanced down at her. "You never let me finish the compliment, Freya."

She smirked. "Oh? And what compliment was that, Bill?"

"That you look very beautiful in that dress. Really brings out your eyes. And I cannot wait for our dinner date."


"That didn't happen!" Bill laughed as they walked along the Thames, Freya's arm linked with his.

"Uh, yes it did. Fifth-year, just before the OWLs. We were with Jared and Siobhan at Honeydukes." Freya chuckled. "I remember it clear as day. You face-planted in front of Professor Snape and spilt your drink all over his shoes in the process. How can you not remember that?! Jared practically wet himself with laughter."

"Because it didn't happen." he smirked, kissing the side of her forehead. After a short silence, he said, "Are you feeling any better, love?"

She grinned up at him, nodding. "Reminiscing on our days in Hogwarts made me feel a lot better." It wasn't the complete truth: there were moments where she thought they were both being followed, but as soon as Bill spoke, the thoughts would disappear... only to reappear again. She looked ahead as they turned around the corner and pointed at a sign. "It's over there."

"This area is very pretty, isn't it?" Bill commented as they stepped inside. They were immediately greeted by a hostess, who led them to a table of two at the back. The restaurant was quite full: a couple of families, several couples and a few businessmen occupied the place, and that made Freya a lot more comfortable. Their table was between a family of four and another couple in their mid-forties. "Very cosy too. You came here often?"

"Just a couple of times with Tonks." Freya smiled, looking down at the menu. "I miss her."

"Where is she off to at the moment?" Bill asked, also taking a look at the menu, seeing several things he quite liked.

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