chapter 9

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M'gann and  Conner were still sat on the live seat. Wally and Artemis were sat on the floor. Aqualad was standing behind the sofa with Aquaman and John. Wonder woman, hal and Barry was sat on the sofa. The bat family walk in. They make Dick sit in the spare chair. He glared at them. Bruce, Tim and Jason stand at the front Infront of everyone.
Barry: why are we all here?
HAL: yeah.
Batman: that batfamily have something to tell you all.
Artemis: we are finally going to find out a secret about the most secretive family ever
Wally: cool.
Wonder woman: so what did you need to tell us?
Jason, tim, dick and Bruce sigh.
Jason: well we are all part wolf.  
Clark: wolves like wolf?
Tim: yep.
M'gann: so do you all have ranks in your wolf pack?
Bruce: yes we do but all of us except nightwing are the same rank.
John: which are?
Jason: alpha
Bruce: alpha
Tim: alpha.
Dick sighs and looks down and mumbles
Dick: omega.
Artemis: how? Your the strongest person we know and omegas are weak.
Dick: omegas aren't weak.we are just caring and kind and we carry the cubs.
Artemis: sorry for calling you weak then.
John: does this have something to do with why nightwing was in the hospital wing?
Dick: I'm pregnant.
M'gann: congratulations.
Aqualad: when did you become pregnant my friend?
Conner: and how?
Tim: nightwing had his main heat two weeks ago.
Bruce: the main heat is when a omega and their alpha is supost to mate and try and make a cub.
Jason: and me and nightwing did that.
Aquaman: oh.
Wally: so what's going to happen with nightwing now?
Bruce: well for one nightwing is going to stop going out in the field.
Jason: then me and my omega going to care for our cub or cubs forever. . And I'm going to make sure nightwing and the cub or cubs are all healthy. So that means he has to listen to me when I say to rest and eat.
Tim: we are all going to be keeping an eye on nightwing 24/7.
The team and justice League nod.
Jason: now I'm taking my omega home to rest.
Jason picks dick up and zatas home.

What will happen next? How many babies is Dick having? Will Dick listen to Jason? Will the cubs be healthy? Read on to find out

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