~ Chapter 2 ~

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Warnings for: No important warnings, but proceed at your own risk.

Greetings y'all. Tomorrow is the first day of school for my Junior year of high school, and my mom has implemented a bedtime for all of her children, including me. At 9pm on school nights all electronic devices will be put downstairs and plugged in. Therefore writing/updating this might be a problem from now on.

I hope you enjoy the second chapter, and just remember I love comments! Votes are cool and all, but I like interacting with you guys.

Word count: 1110

Take is safe, my dudes ♡


The same evening of Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts, Patton and Roman decided to go and have movie night in Romans room. Roman turned on one of his favorite Disney movies, Moana.

The two sat on Romans bed, Patton sprawled on his stomach, chin on his palms. He had taken his shoes off, colorful puppy socks showing.

Roman sat next to him, propped up against the pillows, hands behind his head, looking like what he thought was a proper prince.

Patton rolled over onto his back, peering up at Roman. Roman took note, and Patton sighed heavily.

"Hey Ro, can you pause the movie?"

He asked softly. Roman blinked and paused it with the remote, full attention now on Patton. Patton seemed to hesitate.

"I uh.. You like guys, right?"

"'Don't we all? ..I mean, we're all Thomas, and he's gay so.."'

Patton snickered.

"Alright, Ro."

"'Was there a reason for that query?"'

Roman asked with a raised eyebrow. Patton hesitated again, face visibly heating up.

"I uh, its cuz.. cuz I like you?"

Roman was visibly surprised. He reared back, eyes wide and eyebrows crinkling his forehead.

"'Oh uh.. how's that?"'

"I.. I mean I like you. Like, like like you. Like.. love?"

Patton looked at Roman with bright eyes, hopeful. Roman gulped.

"'I.. That's really sudden."'

Roman mumbled, mind racing at a mile per minute. The.. the normally creative side couldn't think of a thing to say. His train of thought had short circuited.

Roman saw Pattons expression fall. Patton got off the bed, silently grabbing his shoes. Roman tried to speak, but he wasn't able to. Patton took the stuffed animal he had brought in, hugging it to his chest.

Patton looked at Roman one last time at the door. Roman tried to speak, to cry out and beg him to stay, to tell him that he loved him too!

But Roman couldn't speak. His lips sealed into a line and he whimpered. Patton huffed and left the room, shutting the door.


Roman managed to say once he had left, heart aching in a painful way.


[On Hold] Can You Hear Me? ~A Sanders Sides Original Story~ (2019)Where stories live. Discover now