~ Chapter 7 ~

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Hello y'all! Long time no see, huh?

Warnings for; Virgil, possessive behavior, possessive speech, implied rape, talk of rape and abuse from the abusers perspective, general violence and fear, brief mention of knives

When the possessive behavior gets too intense, I'll put up a warning, but the whole chapter is pretty heavy with such stuff. Next chapter will be softer, I swear!

Yep that's right. Another angst chapter. I've decided to just.. ignore my outline and go where I want with the plot since I want to vent write about whatever I want and the current outline limited my options for angst :/ And I threw in more characters! Yay! Including an original one, sort of? Sort of a fanon character, but you'll see what I mean.

Also I've been writing another whump fic these past few weeks! It's a crossover of two book series, Keeper of the Lost Cities and the Wingfeather Saga. I highly recommend y'all give them both a read, especially the Wingfeather Saga since not enough people know about it. I hyperfixated on the side characters, so now I'm making a slow burn whump fic involving body horror and torture but like, not sexual torture? As well as found family, non romantic love, and general fluffiness. Anyways I may end up posting it here on Wattpad when I get a cover and such sorted out.

Also, back to the fic, I introduced Emile, and I'm wondering if Emile would fit better with Patton and Roman, or the angst trio? Aka Remus, Logan and Deceit. Idk which poly pairings I prefer better tbhhh.

Word count: 1500, somehow

Take it easy, my dudes ♡

"You've been rather quiet, babe. What's on your mind?"

He didn't answer immediately, staring at the ceiling, laid flat on his bed.


"Uh, sorry. I've just been.. empty?"

He heard the other 'tsk' in annoyance, "babe, you really gotta get over him. It's been nearly a month since he broke up with you."

Virgil scowled. "I could win him back."

Orange didn't immediately respond, and he heard rustling from the other side of the call.

"You and I both know that's not true. To be frank, doll, I think he hates you now."

Virgils hands curled into fists, and he sat up. "He doesn't hate me. He's being brainwashed."

"Babe, as much as I love you and respect your decisions, I doubt Damion will like you again. Especially since you, what, raped Logan?"

Virgil tossed his hair away from his eyes, anger broiling. "He shouldn't care too much about that. He wasn't ever close to Logic, why is he now?"

Orange hummed, "I'm afraid I don't have an answer for that, doll. But, word on the street is, well, y'know Patton?"

"Of course. He's like a father to me. What about him?"

"He got so frightened of you, that he gave his virginity to Roman."

Virgil barked a short laugh. "You can't be serious. He was afraid I'd hurt him, too?"

"Mhm. If you had the chance, would you?"

Virgil hummed, considering this. "Probably. I've always had a soft spot for him." He missed Patton. But it's not like he could see him after assaulting Patton's best friend. A pity, really.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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