~ Chapter 5 ~

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Hello! I am sorta back from my hiatus! Hope this chapter is up to your standards~

Warnings for: slight talk of emotional/physical abuse.

For chapters involving more than 3 people talking in a single scene, some characters dialogue will be underlined! This is only to indicate who is speaking.

I'm going to do these at the beginning of each chapter from now on! Just to avoid confusion-

For the first scene:


For the second scene:


Word count: 1,485

Take it easy, my dudes ♡


Logan was on the bed, eyes wide as he stared at Deceit. Remus was seated next to him, having pulled up his desk to sit on.

Roman was next to Patton, eyes wide.

Patton was holding Deceit, petting his hair. He murmured soft reassurances to the shaking man.

Eventually, the two pulled away. Deceit opened his eyes, realization dawning on him.

"You're not.. you're not Remus."

Patton managed a small smile.

"'You're right, kiddo. But we don't have to be enemies, I can help you."'

He said gently, frowning as he saw Deceit inch backwards.

"I did want everyone to know. I want everyone to find out how weak I am and- and how pathetic I am."

Remus gasped, standing up, looking offended.

"Dee, don't say that! You aren't pathetic or weak, I swear!"

He exclaimed and Deceit shriveled.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, didn't mean-"

"Don't you apologize either!"

Remus interrupted and Deceit stood, uncertain.

"Then.. what do you not want me to do?"

"I.. I want you to exist, Deceit. And not apologize for your existence. We love you."

Remus said slowly, calming down.

"'We do. I uh, don't know you that well, kiddo. But I want to get to know you better. You seem really.. interesting. I'm sorry for my actions in the past, how I refused to concede to any point you brought up. I really am. Do you accept my apology?"'

Patton asked, tender as he kneeled before him, bowing his head. Deceit relaxed a fraction.

"I.. I forgive you, Patton. Honest."

He said shyly, crouching and grabbing Pattons hands, helping him up. Patton noticed that between where the glove ended and his sleeve began, there were some bruises. He didn't acknowledge this, standing and smiling.

[On Hold] Can You Hear Me? ~A Sanders Sides Original Story~ (2019)Where stories live. Discover now