Chapter 7

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After Derek threatened the sheriff, he stormed away to the staff room again. He was lucky today was a fairly unbusy day due to the emotional rollercoaster that had gone on.

He was simply just to angry to see stiles. That man, that evil man, had abused stiles and shows no remorse for it. No one deserved what had happened to that boy, and Derek knew he was just scratching the surface, knew that more sinister things have happened behind the scenes.

Stiles was coming to the end of his second night in the hospital and Derek was yet to go home since his arrival. Reasonably, he knew he would have gone home last night but with all the chaos from stiles and other patients he decided to just take a nap in the staff room and get on with it, however the exhaustion and need for a shower were beginning to take a toll on him. The smell of disinfectant and his own BO were beginning to engulf him and he itched to wash his hair.

He also knew stiles would be expected to move onto solids instead of the IV drip tomorrow which he knew would be a struggle, a huge one. He decided it would be only fair to tell stiles this so he came up with a plan. Seeing as it was now going on 1am he decided to go visit stiles quickly, alert him of the situation and go home for the night.

As he made his way down the halls he let his thoughts wander, that is until he heard stiles' muffled crying through the door. He knocked cautiously on it, now having taken off his work scrubs and replaced them with his usual attire.

The sobbing instantly quietened, which Derek took as an invitation into the room. Derek walked into the room, seeing stiles curled under his sheets facing the wall away from him. "Stiles?" Derek questioned as stiles stiffened. He slowly sniffled and turned to face derek, face red and eyes dead.

"Hey." Was all he said. "I've just come in to tell you a few things before I go home for the night" derek stated as he sat in the chair he had previously next to stiles' bed. "The first thing is that I don't think your father is going to be coming back here any time soon, he has been banned from the hospital and I'm hoping once we have other major problems sorted you will be able to talk to me about what has happened with him in the past-" " wait he's been banned?" Stiles questioned.

As derek nodded his head stiles sagged into his bed with relief.

"Stiles, I don't know the full extend of what has happened with that man, he'll i don't know if i know anything, but what I do know is that I heard how he spoke and acted towards you earlier and it was vile, I gladly would have punched him in the face however I suspect that would have lost me my job" derek spoke with sincerity as stiles let out a small breathless laugh making his eyes squint and his cheeks fill with smile, contrasting their usually hollow and empty look.

"Thank you so much for getting rid of him, seriously, he..erm" derek instantly cut him off.

"Stiles just let me tell you!you don't have to tell me a single thing about him now that he is no lager a threat to you, because I can ensure you me and my team here are going to ensure that bastard never sets foot near you again, however as someone who cares I am always open to talk, about anything, whether it be how that man treated you or just the weathers derek stated with a genuine smile.

"Thank you" stiles sighed whilst looking towards his intertwined hands.

"It's no problem, however there is some bad news as well" derek spoke, silently hoping stiles wouldn't flip out too much. Stiles was on alert instantly, with his head snapping up and his eyes questioning.

"Seeing as you will have been fully conscious for over 24 hours as of tomorrow morning, you are going to be move onto solid foods" derek tensed, waiting for the explosion. However all he got from stiles was silence.

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