A New Chapter

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So just to clarify, I haven't watched highschool dxd In a VERY long time but i am watching and using the anime dub that I found on youtube that I think is the right one. (Posted above) I will be using that as a baseline to write this story.

Issei: "What the hell am I supposed to do if she's still mad at me? Why do I have to be such an idiot?"

???:"woahhhh" *thud* "oh no looks like I fell down again, I'm such a klutz."

Issei:"Are you okay miss?" *A hot blonde nun with panties galore?! Yes!*

???:"yes I'm fine, I just fell down is all."

???:"Asia!, what happened? Are you okay?" A teen in a priest getup jogs over to the blonde nun girl. "You've gotta be more careful you dropped all of your stuff."

Asia: "Ah! Y/N! yes I'm fine I just wasnt looking is all." She looks at issei "Hello there, sorry you had to see me be such a klutz, my names Asia and this here is Y/N. What's your name?"

2nd Person POV

The boy looked at both of you quickly and said "my names issei hyoudou, Pardon my manners but are you guys tourists?"

Y/N: "No, we just got moved to the church in town, but the problem is that neither one of us has a sense of direction and were lost, could you help us find it?"

Issei:"y-yeah sure I would be glad to help you."

On your walk over the three of you discussed topics of random, but you could see the church in the distance and as you got close you noticed that Issei seemed to be getting more nervous the closer you got.

Issei:"well the church is right up there, I'm sorry I can't get take you any closer but I just notice it's getting close to me being late to school. So see you guys around."

Y/N:"see you Issei! Well he was nice, wouldn't you say asia?"

Asia:"Mmm-hmm although it's a shame he had to go off so soon. Hopefully well see him again!"

Y/N:"Im sure we will asia. Although I guess we better get started with our duties." You turn back towards the church as you and asia start a new chapter in your lives.

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