First Blood

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"What do you mean my master?" You said, looking down you felt your abdomen. All your scars were gone, they were just there. Where'd they go?

"Yeah vampire regeneration is an amazing thing, vampires are real, werewolves are real, really anything you can think of is a real creature." The girl with fiery hair said.

"Really? What about Angels? Fallen angels? What do you know about them?" You really just gave up for now on the whole master thing since she didn't answer. And you've seen fallen already so it wasnt too much of a stretch to believe that, still skeptical but since you were apparently a vampire now.

"Nice, my servant already knows something about the big three!" She jumped up on bed and sat in a cross legged position.

"Big three?" You were confused, you never learned about this while with the church.

"Yep so a really really long time ago there were two factions that fought and fought, the Angels and the Devils.
But eventually some Angels fell to create the third faction, the fallen Angels then they continued the fight.
Until the three factions eventually came to a peace agreement that's VERY fragile but still works to this day. Abridged history complete!" The
Gir- wait...

"What's your name?" You asked, all this time you've been talking with a girl who you dont know.

"My name? Why thank you for asking! I am the wonderful! Amazing! Machi!"
Her arms go up in the air as her face glows with excitement. "What's the name of my new family member?" Her eyes trained on you excitedly as she waits for your answer.

"Yeah...My name is Y/N...Listen this has been fun and eventful but I cant stay here. Um thanks for saving my life." You say as you start towards the door.

You get tackled to the ground by machi in a big t-shirt and panties.

"Waaaiiiit!" She says as you pick your face from the flood to stare at her. "You cant go, your part of my family now! Plus if you go out now you'll starve and end up killing someone! Not that I have any problem with that but I know you will so just stay a while and listen to me."

"No! Let me go!" You push her off of you as you run out of the building and into the streets.

"You just let him leave?" A calm voice came from darkness gathering in the corner.

"Wouldnt do any harm for him to learn what he can do and what he cant now, besides I'll always know where he is now, thanks to our bond." Machi, after gathering herself, told the figure.

"So where is he, if I may ask?" The figures being gained clarity.

"He's going back to the one place he knows in the city, the church."

The Church

"How did I get here? I dont even know the town really. Oh well i need clothes...I have no money. Do they have any money...on their bodies? God I really dont want to go down there again." You stared down into the basement, your biggest horror since coming here. Asia's grave. A rotten smell from down there but with a slightly sweet scent.

As you make your way down the stairs your feet hit the liquid. You know its blood, the smell hits your nose, the ground has become slippery like the bottom of a river, from the drying blood. The smell starts to make you pant, you get an urge. An urge to feed. You get down on your hands and knees as you bring your head to the blood, you try to resist, try to bring your head back up but you cant.

 You get down on your hands and knees as you bring your head to the blood, you try to resist, try to bring your head back up but you cant

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