First Mistake

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You were at the store stocking up on groceries, when you noticed a few girls in uniforms that looked like they matched Issei's uniform. It looked like the black haired one was the one doing the shopping. The others were mainly browsing and glancing at items. You approached them, and said "Excuse me ladies, but do you know a gentleman named Issei ..uh... I can't remember his last name. Uuum he has brown hair, with a ponytail I think."

"Issei Hyoudou?" The red haired girl asked. She and the rest of the group looked at you with interest and you thought you saw wariness in the red haired girls eyes but it was gone in an instant.

"Yeah that sounds right, I met him earlier and he was really helpful so I was wondering if you were friends with him?" You looked at all the members of the group, black haired girl had a smile that made you feel uneasy. You heard the white haired girl mutter something to the blonde girl although you wondered why her outfit was different from the rest.

"Yes we are friends of his, he is apart of our school club, we haven't introduced ourselves. My names Rias Gremory, the the girl with all of our groceries is Akeno Himejima, the white haired girl is Koneko Toujo, and the boy is Kiba Yuuto. You blushed in embarrassment at the last part but apparently Akeno took it differently.

"Look he's blushing! Does he have a crush on our little Kiba and maybe that's why he talked to us?" Akeno called attention to your cheeks as they reddened more.

"Nono it's not like that, it's just... forgive me for saying this but I thought you were one of the girls." After You said this the girls looked at Kiba then started giggling and Kiba flushed.

"Well rest assured, I am a male. We never caught your name." Kiba said in an attempt to focus the girls back onto me.

"My name is Y/N, pleasure to meet you all." You bowed as you introduced yourself. After you raised back up you noticed they were looking at each other with seriousness. "Something wrong?"

"Issei has gotten into detention. We need to go get him." Akeno responded, but it had an underlying tone to it.

"Oh okay then, hey when you see him, could you tell him asia and I would like to hang out." You said as they walked towards the exit. They responded that they would and with that they were on their way.

'I guess I should be going back to the church, I wonder if asia is back yet?' You thought as you grabbed the rest of the things and paid for it with money the girls gave you.

Small time skip

You got back in the church to see Ray, Kala, Missy, Freed, and someone new.

"Hey Ray I'm back! Where's asia?" You were a little bit worried.

"Shes in the back rooms where you two sleep, the persuasion took a lot out of her it seems. But before you go to her Y/N, this is Donold, he is a sponsor for this whole project." Ray said.

"Nice to meet you." You held your hand out to shake his hand but he doesn't take it. "Okay then, I'm gonna go and check on asia, the bags are full of food."

You got to the back rooms and saw asia in your bed which was odd but not uncommon, usually it was during storms that she came to your bed. You climbed into bed over the covers. You touched her shoulder but she flinched slightly as she woke up and looked at you, those that always captivated you usually accompanied by a blinding smile, now with sad tears filled with terror.

"What happened asia? Was the man that terrible?" You asked as you pulled her close to comfort her, her arms desperately holding onto you.

"No, it w-wasnt the man. W-we got t-there and F-freed he-he killed him! T-then Issei a-appeared and F-freed said that he w-was a devil! And t-then he got s-shot and F-freed ripped my cl-clothes!" She cried into your chest, you looked down at her as you held her and you could see the front of he as good as the day she was born. You activated your sacred gear, your sharingan and looked her over, there seemed to be no serious injuries, but you could tell she'd remember this always.

"Asia, look into my eyes." Those beautiful green eyes looked at yours and fell into a trance. "Sleep. Have good dreams." They slowly closed as her face became more relaxed and at peace. You deactivated your sharingan and kissed her head whispering "good night."

You got up off the bed beginning to walk towards the main room. "That was your first mistake freed."


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