Chapter 2- Partners

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We walk over to the boys who were all huddled in a line.

"Boys this is Steph and her dancers, we will be training them for around 4 months and we will partner some o you up"

I'm not paying any attention to what anyone is saying as I really don't want to be here suddenly my eyes are met by big chocolate button eyes and a cheeky little smile. I look down at the floor in embarrassment. My heart is melting.

"Hi boys, these are a few of my dancers. I brought them here because I think they are becoming abit to big for their boots and I wanted them to be challenged by something they are not to good at". We were left alone while our coaches went away to talk about something.

~Steph's pov~

"So coach James it's been a while" I said laughing " I have a bit of a problem with one of my dancers. she is extremely bad at football". I dragged out the extremely. He laughed.

"Which one is it?" he asked.

"The one with the long blonde hair and bright blue eyes"

"Okay, ill partner her with one of the better players"

I was relieved "thank you so much" I hugged him really tight.

~Kaylyn's pov~

I look around in awkwardness as I am a little tiny bit awkward around boys especially good looking ones. all my other friends went of and left me alone by myself with the same boy I laid eyes on before. we just stood in a very awkward silence, I could tell he was shy.

"Right, partners" shouted coach James.

Did he just say partners my heart melted.

"Each girl will be partnered with a boy who will mentor her through the corse of the next 4 months" explained Steph.

How is this going to work there are only 8 girls and there are 15 boys.

"Some of you boys won't have a partner but you will be there to assist". I heard a few o the boys groan like they wanted to have a partner but trust me after they see us play they'll be glad.

"Right so let's get down to business" shouted Steph.

"Julie and Sam, Emma an Jack, Beth and Dan, Freya and James, Eve and Sean, Alicia and Bailey, Tayla and Zac and Kaylyn and Brooklyn". My heart sank right down to my feet.

"Brooklyn, Kaylyn is injured so you will have to sit out today and get to know each other" I felt cruel as he look so disappointed it knew the feeling where you weren't allowed to do what you loves most.

Dancers worst nightmare (Brooklyn BECKHAMfanfic)Where stories live. Discover now