Chapter 9- couples vs couples

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*2 weeks later*
"Kaylyn hurry up, were gonna be late all the other have left quick!" I was woken up by the sound of an angry coach.

"Oh shit" today is football and I have to play today! Urgh I woke up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, put mascara on and lip scrub from lush. I put on my Victoria Secret leggings, a black sports bra and my free runs. I grab my jacket and run out of the door. I jumped into a private car waiting outside for me.

When we arrived Brooklyn was standing there and just gave me a look. "You took your time and you're not even fully dressed" I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I looked down to see I had forgotten my top. Oh well I supposes that's fashion?

Me and Brooklyn went for a run around the pitch and just talked about random shit.

~Brooklyn's pov~

I couldn't help but laugh at Kaylyn, she looked like she ha just even dragged out the bed. She still looked really cute though. She came over to me and she had forgot to put her top over her sports bra but that didn't bother me because she had an amazing figure.

A couple of the the girls had the same style going on but Kaylyn looked so much nicer. When we were running she kept trailing behind so I grabbed her arm and pulled her along with me.

"Guys come in were gonna teach you some basics of football" I could tell Kaylyn was dreading this, you could see it in her face. as she was walking behind she was talking to Steph and she was just nodding.

"All your going to do is run to the yellow cone kick the ball to your partner, they'll kick it back and the you swap, got it?"

~Kaylyn's pov~

Is this really happening? I'm about to make a show of myself in front of everyone should I just throw myself to the ground and pretend I'm hurt or shall I just got on with it. He wouldn't care anyway! What am I saying why would I care if Brooklyn thought I was good or not.

We walked over to the cone and Brooklyn ran first he kicked the ball to me and I stooped it with my foot

"Good, now jut kick it to me making sure the inside of your foot is facing the direction you want to send the ball"

"Okay" as I went to kick the ball I heard that annoying ear screeching high pitches voice again. Well maybe I was over exaggerating.

"Hey Brookie" there she was the mega-bitch. She hasn't done anything to me but there's something about I just don't know?

"Hi Meg, I can't really speak right now as we're sort of in the middle of something as you can see" I could tell he couldn't e bothered speaking to her so I just wound him up even more.

"No no it's fine" I said giving a cheeky smirk at Brooklyn.

"So Brook I was thinking Me, You, Victoria, David and my parents could go out for something to eat tonight?"

"Megan that sounds great but I promised Kaylyn I would go shopping with her as none of the other girls are going" he was desperate to get out of this.

"Oh no it's fine Brooklyn we can just re schedule." he shook his head at me angrily.

"Okay see you later Brookie" she said walking of. Thank god for that.

"I know"


"You just thought out loud" I started laughing. I kicked the ball really hard and made Brooklyn run for it. "Run Brookie" mimicking her voice.

"Kaylyn!" Beth came running over "who was that girl?" I laughed.
"Megan Ramsey, she was trying to get Brooklyn and his family to go out with them but he didn't want so he said he was going out with me but I said to re schedule and he wanted to kill me but I just laughed in his face"
"Well she never liked you, when she turned round she had the biggest snarl on her face and walked away"
"I don't like her anyways, here comes Brooklyn pretend you're getting you ball and not talking about his bitch of a girlfriend."
"What did Beth want?"
"Oh nothing"

"Guys get into your pairs and were gonna play a match, Beth, Kaylyn, Emma and Tayla and partners on one team the rest on the other." We all out our bibs on and went into our positions. "Ready?" Steph shouts as she blows the whistle.

~Brooklyn pov~
*30 minutes later*
"That was an easy sess" I said turning to face Kaylyn who was like dying on the floor.
"You think?" Ar she looked so exhausted. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. we walked over to everyone and just started talking amoung ourselves.
"Everyone knows what day it is today so I'm going to let you all leave early to pack your things and go to your partners house." I can't wait for Kaylyn to move into our house just to spend quality time with her but I have to go out with Megan and her family tonight and leave her by herself.
Me and Kaylyn walked back to her hotel and I helped her pack.

(A/N sorry for length)

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