chapter 7- It's a date

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(A/N sorry about bad picture quality and spellings)

The next day when I come back to the room after going to get breakfast Emma and Beth with sitting on the bed grinning and looking suspicious. I realised Beth was holding a bag behind her back.

"For you" she said handing me over the bag. I just stare at "well... aren't you gonna open it?" I pull the bag open and pull out all the pink tissue paper to find a white skater dress with a crossed back with a bow. Beth and Emma's jaws hit the grounded as they gauped in awe.

"Omg, it's beautiful" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I read the card and it said "I didn't know what size to get so I modelled it on a girl who looks like your size, I hope it fits and I know in awful at picking clothes but to be honest I think I got this one perfect. be ready for 6:45 please. Can't wait to see it on. Brooklyn. P.S. my mum helped"

Aww this was so sweet if him to do.

While the girls were fusing over why to wear I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth. I walked over the my dresser and dried my hair. I gently curled it and put half in and half out with a white ribbon. I applied foundation, powder, Mascara, eyeliner with wings, sorted my eyebrows so they looked half decent and a bit of lipgloss. The girls didn't need to be ready till 7;45 so why did I need I be ready early?

Anyway I put my dress on and grabbed my clutch bag filled with necessary things and put on a pair of turquoise heels.

As I was walking down the stairs to the lobby Brooklyn was standing there gaining a few flirtatious glare of some girls but he didn't focus on them. He focused on me. He's the first boy to ever do that.

"Wow, I'm speechless you look stunning" I blushed "all the lads are gonna be jealous you're my partner no theirs" he chuckled.

"By the way you don't look to bad yourself Beckham" I giggled.

"So why are we leaving so early?"

"Well... you know my mum helped me pick the dress I promised her she could meet you and see you in the dress" he looked over at his shoulder. OMG I'M GOING TO MEET THE BECKHAM'S, I squealed inside.

As we were walking a few paps must've followed Brooklyn and were hanging about on the corner as soon as the seen him they were snapping pictures here there and everywhere. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he was shielding my face from the camera. We hid in a telephone box and we were awfully close and I was trying to ignore his dark, chocolate coloured eyes. I have seen this on movies were they lock eyes an then kiss. I couldn't resist looking into them. His soft hand ceresed my cheek and as we leaned in the door swung open.

"Brooklyn?!" she said

"Megan?!" Brooklyn said confused. I knew exactly who she was.

"Sorry am I missing something" I tried to ease the awkwardness but Brooklyn just gave me a glare to shut up. he grabbed my wrist an pushed her out the way. We started walking again and my feet were killing me and the floor was wet so I couldn't take my shoes off. I never whined or complained but Brooklyn could tell my feet were sore so he gave me a piggy back all the way to his house. He must be strong to be able to carry me. we talked about stuff like previous boys/girls, favourite sandwiches, Disney characters and then I asked about Megan. I told him he could pass on that question but he answered it anyway.




We came around the corner and I saw this massive house with big gates, about 3 cars in the driveway, 2 large doors, grass verges everything anyone would Ever want their dream house to be like. we walked through the gates and Brooklyn opened the door for me to go in.

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