Pretend Boyfriend

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The two take the tickets that they won and approach the counter that holds the prizes.

"Hey," Taehyung calls, raising his voice to draw the attention of the employee at the other side of the counter, "What can we get with these many tickets?"

The employee, whose name badge reads, Cho Jinho, takes a brief look at the tickets placed on the counter before looking up to face Taehyung. "How many tickets have you won?" He questions.

"Seventy five tickets."

"There are, like, five items that you could buy with those many tickets. If not big items, then you can buy a lot of small items with those tickets," Jinho informs.

Taehyung nods thoughtfully, taking a look at the prizes. He turns back at Jungkook. "What would you like to buy, Kookie?" He asks.

"I don't know. Buy something fast. I wanna leave." Jungkook says, completely uninterested.

Taehyung sighs and turns back to look at all the items behind Jinho. While scanning the items, a certain pink coloured plushie catches his eye.

"I want that," he says, pointing at a pink Bunny plushie. Jinho looks back at the plsuhie in question before turning towards Taehyung with an apologetic smile, "That would be seventy eight tickets," he says, "You, Sir, have seventy five tickets."

Taehyung smile fades before taking a second look at the items to choose something different. Jinho clears his throat, gaining Taehyung's attention in the process.

"It is for seventy eight tickets, but I'm willing to give it for seventy five," he smiles. Taehyung gives him a confused look. "Why?" He questions. Jinho chuckles lightly. "You and your boyfriend really make a cute couple. And, besides he looks mad at you. Thos could probably make him happy. So, this one's on me," he explains with a smile.

Jungkook perks his head up at the mention of his presence. He looks up with wide eyes, mimicking Taehyung's expression. "We–" the younger⁰ begins to speak but is instantly interrupted, "You're right," Taehyung says, breaking into a smile, "We are boyfriends," he takes hold of Jungkook's hand, playing along.

Jinho smiles before handing Jungkook the bunny plushie, who accepts it with a shocked expression, his doe eyes as big as dimes.

The two proceed to walk out of the arcade holding hands, Jungkook still in a state of shock, his free hand holding the plushie.

Taehyung takes a brief look at the shocked boy through his peripheral vision. "What's wrong?" He asks, concerned.

Jungkook looks up at him, his doe eyes still wide. "Why did you let him believe that we are," he pauses, "Boyfriends."

Taehyung laughs lightly turning to face Jungkook. "Well, here's why. We had seventy five tickets right?" He asks, rhetorically. Jungkook nods slowly. "That plushie was for seventy eight tickets right?" Jungkook nods once again, this time with furrowed eyebrows. "He was ready to give us that plushie for seventy five tickets because he thought we are dating. If I would have said no, then maybe he wouldn't have given us this plushie. So," he leans  close to Jungkook's ear, "I lied," he whispers, his cool breath falling on his skin.

He pulls his hand out of Taehyung's hold to push the silver-head away from the side of his face. "Why would you do all of this just for a plushie?" He asks.

"Because that Bunny," he points at the plushie Jungkook is holding, "Reminds me of this Bunny," he says, pointing at Jungkook. The younger giggles lightly. Taehyung notices the crinkles that have formed by Jungkook's eyes, his chest growing warm at the sight.

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