Since you came along

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They finally come to a stop right outside the place Taehyung suggested. The two walk out of the car after making sure that the engine is switched off and that Jungkook had placed the key securely inside his pocket.

Once entered, they come to the realization that the movie that is going to be screened in a few minutes is Toy Story. While Taehyung was completely unenthusiastic about the movie and declined the very second he was being informed, Jungkook was completely ecstatic and began to jump up and down with excitement.

"Dude, that movie is for babies," Taehyung says, trying to convince Jungkook from not watching the movie.

"Just because it is an animated movie, doesn't mean you get to say it's for babies. I mean, I want to watch it. Do I look like baby?" He asks.

"Well, yeah," Taehyung laughs. Jungkook puffs his cheeks out and kicks the older in an attempt to hurt him.

Taehyung bellows out a series of laughs, completely unaffected by Jungkook kicking him. "You may legally be sixteen but I swear to God, mentally you're just a one year old," Taehyung comments, resulting in a pout forming on Jungkook's face.

"You're rude," he states, looking away. As they further walked forward, they were being given a blanket and a pillow each along with popcorn and nachos, which they kindly accepted and walked ahead to find them a place to settle down.

The two boys laid their blankets and position their pillows on the farther side of the backyard and settle down. While waiting for the movie to start, Jungkook starts up a conversation with the older who had his eyes closed.

"How did you come to know about this place?" Jungkook asks, turning his body to face Taehyung. "Well, I live three blocks down this place and my parents are quite popular around this place and I guess it has something to do with the fact that they are living in the United States," Taehyung replies with his eyes still closed.

Jungkook laughs, "Why would you think that's the reason for their popularity?" He questions.

Taehyung opens his eyes and turns to face Jungkook, their face just a few centimetres apart. "Well, for one, my house would be filled with people from this area when my parents fly down to Seoul occasionally," he explains. Upon seeing the younger's confused expression, he sighs, "They come to our house asking about how things are going back in the States and if my parents purchased any 'Ameriacan' products for them," he further explains.

Jungkook laughs once again, his breath falling on Taehyung's face. "So they want goodies," he comments. Taehyung shrugs, or attempts to, given that he is lying on his side, "Basically."

Before the two could further continue their conversation, the movie begins, the light emitting from a projector hitting a white screen. Most of the people gathered in the backyard are parents and children.

"Oh, my God, it has been years since I've watched this movie!" Jungkook exclaims, his eyes flickering with excitement. He looks at the older with a big smile, Taehyung reciprocating the smile, not because he was excited to watch the movie but because Jungkook's smile held that power.

As the movie progresses, Taehyung sneaks glances at the younger, admiring how beautiful he looks in the dark. Taehyung believes that Jungkook's features have a duality to it. When seen in a well-lit area, his features are soft, making him the most adorable, the most beautiful Male that is to ever exist. But, when seen in a dim area, his features get more defined. This ultimately makes him hot. Almost...irresistible.

Despite how hot the younger looks, the wide smile on his when watching the movie makes Taehyung's heart flutter. He couldn't bring himself to look away.

He hears Jungkook whisper "To infinity and beyond," everytime Buzz Lightyear says it. Taehyung smiles, his heart clenching at the sight beside him. Jungkook was the most adorable angel the older has ever met.

The silver-head leans back with a smile, feeling himself getting lost at admiring Jungkook. His doe-eyes were wide but grows small, forming crinkled by his eyes everytime he laughs. It was adorable and Taehyung felt like his smile could solve all his problems. He was still buzzing with excitement despite being halfway through the movie.

Despite all the years of not talking to each other, he was there. He gave his shoulder to lean on. Let him cry his heart put only to make him smile. And, he believed only Jungkook could make such a thing possible. Literally a few hours ago Taehyung was sitting by the entrance of the school, smoking the night away. But here he is now, with the boy who has always been there by his side whenever Taehyung needed it.

His first friend, his former best friend was back at it to make him the happiest person alive. And, it's safe to say that maybe, just maybe, Taehyung is slowly falling for Jungkook.

Taehyung soon felt his eyelids drooping low while admiring the hazelnut-brown haired boy and soon enough he felt darkness consume him as he falls asleep with a small smile, holding thoughts about Jungkook in his mind.

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