Fallin' all in you

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Jungkook ignores the sound and turns the other way. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

This time he wakes up. His eyes feel swollen and his cheeks are a little moist from crying. 


He hears the sound again. The sound is coming from outside his window. His breathing grows uneven as an eerie feeling settles over him. 

What if it is a thief? He wonders

Don't be stupid, Jungkook, thiefs don't make noise. They're stealthy, he chides himself.

He slowly pulls the covers away from his body and cautiously makes his way towards the source of the sound, his feet on the cold floor, sending shivers down his spine. The scared boy opens the window, only to find a boy, not much older than he is, giving him an unsure smile. He was standing on top of a ladder, which he probably found at the back of his house. 


The moonlight falls on the planes of his cheekbones, making it look more sharper, if possible. He looks like how someone might when they're approaching a stray animal. With fear, but also with much determination, love and want. 

Jungkook frowns. Before he could ask the older to leave, Taehyung places a hand over his mouth, preventing the boy from speaking. "Ssh...You spoke enough. It's my turn to speak now." Taeyung says softly, though a hint of dominance was evident in his voice. "Okay," he continues, "So, I had practiced this before coming over to your house now, so that I don't ramble and stray too far from what I'd really want to say, but I think I forgot almost everything," he pauses to let out a small, nervous chuckle, "Okay, so, first things first, I am sorry. I really am. I don't think that this apology could make up for the years that we've lost, but I'll have you know, that I mean this apology from the bottom of my heart.

"Second, please, never think that we won't be talking at all after this night. We won't go back to being strangers, and that's a promise. I can pinky swear on that. I don't even know why I had stopped talking to you. Only a dumbass like myself would do something like this," he shakes his head, "You have never changed over the years, you know that? I might have, but you haven't. You still make me smile just by your mere existence. When I'm with you, my emotions are always so kaleidoscopic. You make me feel so...so carefree. Like, whatever you say and do, makes me feel so free. If you said, we can all fly, I think that'd be true too. Jeon Jungkook, I'm sorry for hurting you all throughout these years. Knowingly or unknowingly, I have hurt you⁠— there's no denying that. But, you know what they say, there's no time like the present. So, here I am, so close to falling down, outside your window, asking you to come back outside and give me another chance. Let's enjoy our lives till the night ends. Jungkook, please, let's go back outside?" 

Taehyung slowly removes his hand from the younger's mouth, his dark brown orbs staring into Jungkook's hazel ones expectantly. To say Taehyung was nervous would be an understatement. His legs were practically shaking. Jungkook sighs. He gives in. He can sense that the other boy is truly sorry and has apologized truthfully. How could he say no?

Jungkook nods. "Get back down and wait outside. Let me wear a shirt or something," he says, his voice sounding tired. 

"Wait, you aren't wearing a shirt?" Taehyung asks, poking his head further inside, "Let me see!"


"Sorry," the silver-haired boy grins and begins to step back down from the ladder.

Jungkook walks over to his wardrobe and pulls out a sweatshirt hastily. He wears it quickly and quickly runs out of his room. Knowing his mother would probably still be worried about Jungkook, he quietly enters her room.

She notices him and quickly sits up. "Yes?" She asks, "Do you want something?" Her tone was soft.

He shakes his head with a smile plastered on his face. Mrs.Jeon gives a quizzical look at that.

"Taehyung has come to pick me up," Jungkook says, trying not to trip over the other's name but failing miserably so. "Again."

His mother's faces creases into a smile as her tensed muscles begins to relax. "If you can't enjoy your life now, when will you enjoy it?" She asks, rhetorically.  "You may go," she allows.

He quickly runs over to the lady and places a soft kiss on her cheek. He nods her goodbye and exits the room. Closing the door softly, Jungkook's lips stretches into a shy smile as he places a hand over his thumping heart.

"Stay calm, oh Heart," he whispers before leaving the house.

Once outside, he finds Taehyung perched in his car, waiting for the younger in the driver's seat. Though it's dark outside, Jungkook could still see Taehyung's face light up as soon as he sees the younger. He quickly gets into the car and wears the seat belt before awkwardly looking at Taehyung, only to find the other already watching him. 

He blushes and is thankful for the dark setting as he doesn't wish the older to see the effect he has on Jungkook. Jungkook looks down at his hands, a shy smile playing on his lips. They were silent for a while, which seemed like an eternity. 

Taehyung speaks first, "This time, I'm going to be the one driving you around," he says, smiling softly in the dark. "So," he continues, "Where do you want to go?" he asks.

"The park," Jungkook replies in a quiet voice.


"There is an old park a couple of blocks down."

Taehyung nods, and turns on the engine. He quickly pulls out of the Jeons' driveway and heads towards the park the younger had mentioned previously with his heart beating rapidly. 

I think, I've fallen for you, Jeon Jungkook, he thinks, smiling to himself. 


SO I UPDATED THREE CHAPTERS THIS MONTH CAN I GET A WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO??? Okay, so hopefully, I'd be able to finish this story within this month (please, pray for me >~<)

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