Training and preparing

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She glanced over the weapons one by one until her eyes had landed on my katana  from Alouis. Then to my guns from Tanisha

"I'll use these" she pointed to both of the mentioned items

"short and long range, good thinking" I said patting her back

"Really" I swear stars appeared in her eyes

"lesson number one" and just as quickly as they came the stars in her eyes became nervous glances.


I was standing by the window watching pancake and dewdrop as they worked outside. As for how it's going, well...pancake can hit a paper target. That's about it and she isn't even that accura-


"YES YOU DID" Dewdrop puts her hand up and pancake smacks it

"Amusing isn't it" a deep voice said behind me

"I suppose so" another answered

Looking behind me was Shu and Yuma

"My little sister is quite the teacher" Yuma laughs

"I have never seen her act like that" Shu says though I swore he said something else under his breath

"What are you two doing up here" I question them though I doubt I'll get a straight answer

"Seeing how sow fails what else would we do"

Shu says something again under his breath but I caught the tail end of it

"What was that shu"  I ask

"I said she isn't that bad"

"If that's not a lie I don't know what is"

" would you shut up, your annoying as hell"

In walked kou and subaru kou's eye was glowing from the lie my older brother said


"What did you say neet" Yuma asked

Shu shrugged his shoulders

"Obviously if he won't say it, it's something embarrassing to him" ayato commented

"Troublesome" Shu stood from the couch walked over to the window he stared for a moment and then he was gone

not for long though he had appeared outside  

"What is he doing" I ask hoping someone has an answer

"I have the same question" Yuma snarled as he watched him walk closer to the females

"What are you a dog, tch my bet is he's gonna bite one of them " baby sakamaki says turning on his heel and leaving

"I am feeling a bit thirsty, maybe they won't mind a break from training" ayato says and like that he's also gone

"He touches my sister and he's dead" Yuma leaves as suddenly as he had appeared

"N/n can handle herself, neither of those vampires will get far"

I walk out of the room and head to my room


yui is getting better and better her aim with a gun or two is incredible but as far as knives go...yeah that is something to work more with

"Y/n I'm tired, can we take a break" yui breaks my train of thought

"Mm yeah" I nod and she walks into the garden towards the house

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