Beginnings pt.1

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In your world lions live in the savanna, sharks swim in your oceans and lakes, cheetahs are fast and eagles are powerful creatures this is your normal. But in another galaxy, many light years away, far into the future there is another planet kind of like the opposite version of earth. This mysterious place is called Erde. Somethings are the same others are completely opposite. For instance, all of the land animals on earth are marine life on Erde, humans live in water, these life forms are called . All the marine life on earth are land animals on Erde, sharks swim on land. Mythology is real. Mythical creatures are real. Crazy right! There is one special person on Erde who is able to live on land. This person resides in the forest. This outcast is me. My name is Bryn Rykov, I live in this country called Aissur, and the forest I live in is called Agiat, and welcome to my story.

I bet you’re wondering, how did I get to be the only person to live on land? Well, I was born October first, 2340. When I came into the world the doctors realized I wasn’t breathing. They tried everything they were tried to do in this situation but nothing was working. My mother, Meara, was hysterical and my older sister, Tamsin, was on the verge of tears. Dejected my mother held me and swam up to the surface. To see me in a better light so she could say her final goodbyes. That was when I took my first breath. Then, my mother realized I didn’t belong in the water and left me on a river bank. She raised me from the water and I had to stay on land. It was really lonely, I wasn’t able to play with my sister or make friends with the other kids. But, seventeen years passed and as I got older I got used to the loneliness. To pass the time I chased with the fishes that floated around the forest or played with the Zenko Kitsune, that liked to rest by the shore. As time went on, things stood still for me.

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