The Prophecy pt 4

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"What the hell is the prophecy." I said and I got up and started walking towards him. "Well we down have a lot of time till dusk but, I'll make it fast, basically there is supposed to be a human that has the power to save my race this human is supposed to be different from the others, a God among humans and from the looks of it that's you." He laughed nervously. "Although your not what I expected your a little more… um… hotheaded and you don't really look like 'a God among humans' do you?" I tilted my head in confusion. "What is wrong with your race? Actually, now that I think about it, I've never even seen your race before." I said. Trying to ignore his comments about me. He looked at me with a hint of sorrow in his eyes. "Well... what happened was, my father and a battalion were sent out to defeat Pterois the sea witch. She was using her familiers the Pufferfish, Boxfish, Surgeonfish and many other poisonous sea creatures she has at her command to try and take over the siren kingdom and we had lost a lot of soldiers to her. We almost won the war but then she retreated. Before she left she placed a curse on us sirens. Which basically was as soon as we turn the age of nineteen one by one a different poison would enter our bloodstream each birthday on top of the ones from before. I’m eighteen so it hasn’t affected me… yet.” I looked off into the distance. I kinda feel sorry for this creep. But where do I play into this? “Your probably wondering where do you play into this.” He stared into my sunset colored eyes. Mind reading bastard. “Well your supposed to save us with your godly powers. And I decided to come and look for you because my people are dying.” He walked into the ocean and his long legs transformed into a pretty blue tail. “What the hell Asan! I don’t have powers!” I yelled. “Bryn.. was it? Well, I guess we are gonna have to figure them out as we go. So, please help me.” He stared at me with hope in his eyes. I sighed “Fine.” He smiled, closed his eyes and started to sing. I stepped back in fear but then I realized that this song was different. It felt lighter and happier. He opened his eyes said “This song is a little new, so I don’t know if it works. But walk into the water.” I started to get mad as I walked towards the water. “What the hell am I your test subject!” I went in all the way up to my neck. Just then my body started to look like the rest of the humans. I had gills and fins, I finally felt like I was normal. “Ok, I’m glad that worked, welp, lets go.” He said enthusiastically. “Hey Asan... thanks.” He looked at me with confusion. “No problem, I was just tired of carrying you around all the time.” And with that we swam off.

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