Prince? Pt 3

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My eyes widened, "A prince!" I let out a little laugh, "How the hell are you a prince you... kidnapper! And what the heck is a siren?" I exclaimed. Asan winced, "You sure do ask a lot of questions." He got up and started toward the entrance of the cave and I followed. "Yeah, now answer them." I said, "Your also really loud... sometimes, and I'm not kidnapping you I'm borrowing you." Asan stated. We got closer to the cave entrance all I could think was this dude is way too evasive for my liking and borrowing me what does that even mean? This dude is kinda shady, I should swim away. Asan's back was turned to me and I jumped in the freezing cold ocean water. I started to swim away but I slowly began to realize I didn't know where I was and I was running out of air. It didn't take him long to catch up with me. As he started to sing, I felt my body jerk forward and myself go in and out of consciousness. The last thing I heard before I passed out was "Why did you run?"

I awoke on a sandy beach. I cough up some water and I started trying to recall what happened. Then it all came rushing back to me. I sat up fast and looked to my left and there he was staring at me. "Enjoyed your nap?" He stated sarcastically. "What do you want with me you creep?" I yelled. He stood up "The prophecy of course!" He exclaimed. "By the way you never told me your name." He stared at the horizon. "Bryn and what the hell is the prophecy."

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