Teen Thoughts

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Be honest: are you insecure? Are you irritated with everyone and everything? That's completely normal.  We often put ourselves down at the attempt of impressing others. Why is that? Insecurity is found through almost anything. Let me give you an example: "My shoes look really awful. I'm such an ugly person." Have you found yourself saying that? Do you feed off of people's energy? There's not a problem with that, until there is. We have so much negativity surrounding us that we don't gain confidence. Oh, wait! Wrong. Sometimes, confidence is always there, but we want to hear it from someone else to confirm it. Give yourself credit. Find your purpose. The human brain has the ability to manipulate ideas into your physical body. Why? You created that for yourself.  Grow and let yourself be. Humans have a strong addiction to being accepted. If we're not, then who are we? How long will it take me? To be honest, it's up to you. Why find perfection in someone if you can't find it in yourself? We want to love people who are not us. By that I mean, we see  qualities that others have that we wish we had. Why? It is often due to a lack of self esteem or an emotional attachment to oneself. Become neutral. Try this: I want you to close and imagine what you want to be in 5 years. Ask yourself: am I smiling? If we can be like this throughout our lifetime with the present, then we have fulfilled our lives on earth.

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