Chapter 6

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   The things that happen when you least expect them are the best type of things and that is something that we should all cherish no matter what or how big or small they are what matters is the thought put into them. Right now I am enjoying a good movie cuddled up to my big beefy man wrapped in a blanket and of course with the door open because you know mommy wanted to "keep an eye on us," but we all know why she wants us to keep the door open. Anyway, right now I feel so loved because I am wrapped around a warm blanket and he keeps giving me light kisses at the top of my head which is so cute and I can't I'm blushing so hard.

    I attempted to get up to use the bathroom and as you heard before attempted to get up because he wouldn't loosen his grip that he seemed unaware he had on me.

"Can you kindly loosened your grip please?" I asked softly

"Why you don't need to be anywhere right now apart from being here with me" he respond smartly

"But I have to use the bathroom can you let go I am not going to go anywhere far plus the bathroom is right there." I pointed to the other door right next to my closet

"You better be back in 10 minutes if not I'm going in after you got it ?"

"Yeah yeah 10 minutes" I get up and go to the bathroom

     When I come back he has the movie paused and he was staring at the bathroom door like it was going to explode or something and it is crazy like I wasn't going to make it go anywhere by looking at it. I know that he is worried for me and I love it because I haven't had someone worry like that with me, but he needs to learn to trust me when I go to the bathroom. I am also aware that there are a lot of troublesome and dangerous people out there that may be after me and him because they know he is my mate. 

"Poor door I would hate to be in its place right now. I'm pretty sure it as a whole on it already." I say as I see him physically calm down.

  I love everything about him especially that fact that he treats me like a princess and is worried about everything when it comes to me which is understandable since I small and have curves and a bubbly ass instead of having muscles and I can't really defend myself so I get why he is so worried for my safety. But let me tell you this man has rock hard abs they are completely drool worthy they just make you want to lick ice cream right off them.  From my very dangerous thought he might have smelled a slight arousal from me he just got close to my ear and nibbled a little bit on it. 

  "You need to stop we are in your house and the door is open we wouldn't want your mother to catch us doing some very freaky things while that door is open wouldn't we?" 

   I felt myself shiver go down my spine a he said that I couldn't control it because he is tempting even without trying at all and it makes me want to rush things, but he wouldn't rush me no matter how hard and how bad I tease him he will still wait until I am fully ready for him. After the movie we went towards the kitchen and start eating some left over pizza from the fridge and that's when I decided to ask him if he wanted to stay the night and he said no because he can't handle seeing me in my cute ass pajamas and not want to do anything to me, but there was no way I was going to let him leave this late on a Saturday night only God knows what might happen to him on the way home. I made sure to convince him to spend the night so he stay safe and it would be a lot easier to drive when it was bright out than at 1 AM.




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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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