Chapter 14: Continuation of the lie

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"Tú me partiste el corazón"

The music blasted out from the big speakers hanging on the walls. I had no idea what they where playing and I wasn't the only one. But people didn't seem to care everyone were dancing and cheering to the beat of the song. Maybe it's the look in their eyes or is it this dancing juice but I've never laughed this much. Astrid's friends are hilarious to say the least. All so young, free and careless. They lived by the motto I can grow up tomorrow but tonight I'm young.

Tuffnut is... well... crazy. He's mind is like no one I've ever met. That makes him incredibly interesting and sometimes a bit... odd but truly hilarious. Just as his sister, Ruffnut, her and her brother are like watching a live talk show wherever they went. Ruffnut is very confident, and her and Astrid seems really close as they chat and laugh. Then there's Fishlegs new love interest Heather. Even though my friend won't admit it it's obvious how he feels about her and why wouldn't he she's sweet and kind just like himself.

Astrid's friends are all great but she is something else. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about her that draws me to her.

"So Hiccup what's your argument why the east coast is the best?" Talking about the sun.

"Well Astrid, If we cut the US in half and have to judge which coast is more valuable it would definitely be the east coast" I say with a grin. We've been debating which coast is the best, New Yorkers vs LA.

"Well your coast doesn't rhyme with best therefore you're not the best" Ruffnut says and high fives her brother.

"Yeah your coast rhymes with least because the east coast is the least coast" Tuffnut adds making all of us die in laughter except Tuffnut.

"Deeply serious".

"So Fishlegs, what do you do in New York?" Heather asks him randomly giving me a rush of panic. I look at Fishlegs who's opening his mouth to answer. Panic flushed over me in a wave hitting me hard like a tsunami. I only have a few minutes to think of something.

"Hold that thought Heather I just need to go to the restroom" I say jumping out of the booth we're sitting in.

"Fishlegs, Snotlout please join me" as I say that everyone looks at me weird. Fishlegs looks at me like I'm sick and have lost my head while Snotlout is just laughing thinking I'm kidding. But I'm not.

"Eh why h-Hiccup?" Fishlegs looks at me like he's thinking hard why I would invite him and Snotlout to the bathroom.

"Well girls does it all the time so why don't we" the two boys look at each other and then back at me. I'm waiting impatiently for their answer. Tripping on my feet as I'm worried about the answer.

"Well okay always wanted to see what all that was about" Snotlout says smiling at the girls. Fishlegs joins in with a nod and gets up together with Snotlout. The girls doesn't read into it too much and Tuffnut doesn't get offended that he wasn't invited. The alcohol has clouded our judgement to my advantage.

The boys follow me to the bathroom but not without some... problems. Astrid and her friends surely knows how to drink and it seems like us New Yorkers don't have the same tolerance. So we stumble over our own feet, others feet and each others feet. Finally after a hard battle we make it to the bathrooms.

"So how does girls do this? Should we go share a both or just pee in a line?" Fishlegs asks drunk and confused.

"I actually don't have to pee I just needed to talk to you two" I say trying to stand still on my feet.

"Well I have to pee" Snotlout says and pulls his pants down. Snotlout goes to what he think is a toilet but is actually a sink and begins to pee.

"Snotlout that's a sink" I say facepalming at my cousin's actions. Fishlegs doesn't seem to follow and instead is trying to figure out if he has to pee.

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