5- frick chamber 1

15 1 0

Villager 1 was a farmer from a city called jungle. He was happily planting and taking out wheat from his garden.

After a while, Villager 1 saw Villager 399 running away from something or someone.

"Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm?" (Why are you running?)

"Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmm!'
("Pweeeeddds is here and he's going to take someone away!)

"Hmmmm hmmm, hmmm hmmm hmmm." (Ah shit, here we go again.)
Then villager 1 ran away with villager 399. While running a stupid slab made villager 1 trip and watched Villager 399 run away.

"Hmmmm...." (Heeelppp...)

"Come on Sven! We have a poopoo head to catch!"

The end.

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