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You know when you think that people don't care about you at all or that they only come to you whether they need something or you have something.

People that you know the less seems like they care about you more and actually value your relationship with them.

It feels like everything around you is falling apart and that it's affecting who you are and how you act.

Being annoyed at someone who is jealous of you just because people gave more attention to you only one time. (Bitc- I was mad but kept my composure)

People faking around you but talking shit about you when you are not around.

Knowing that people don't like you and pretends that they do. But it's obvious that they don't.

Pressure being put on your shoulders. Studies, grades, friendships, family and just life in general.

Someone/people judge everything that you like or do. The bling that they will always be better than you in everything.

I just need something to atleast relieve myself. Im going fuckin downhill and it's just weird and stupid.

I'm always that cheery person that no one even realises anything, which honestly I'm happy about. I don't need anyone to have me as one of their worries or problems (if people even care). I'm happy enough that everyone is happy. Fake it that you're fine till you make it kids. That's me.

It might not just be for me but with others too. If so, I hope that everything gets better and talk. It may not be closed ones but atleast people who can understand.

Waking up feels like a chore instead of actually liking it. Losing interest in the things you like to do. Being a stupid dumball.

Epicly epic signing off.

I'm sorry.

Back to regularly scheduled program (heh, see that reference?)

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