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"Eunji-yah do you think you can come over to the dance studio?" RM asks you over the phone. "Jungkook is kinda in a bad mood."

You didn't hesitate to say yes. Lately, Jungkook has been stressed with his job. He had a sore throat for the first half of the week which prevented him from singing, so he had to postpone his voice recordings. Jungkook wasn't too happy about that.

Now Jungkook was having difficulty doing the new choreography routine. He was extra frustrated because he was usually one to pick up the dance steps easily considering he is the golden maknae.

Before you head to the Bighit building, you stop by the boys' favorite takeout restaurant to order their favorite foods. You figured they've probably been rehearsing for hours, meaning they haven't eaten much. You originally planned on buying food for Jungkook, but then you realized it would better to feed all of them.

Finally, you arrive and the six guys are relieved to see you. They stepped out into the hallway to greet you. Jungkook did not follow.

"Is he alright?" You ask, not knowing why when you knew the answer.

"He's having a hard time doing our choreography," Jin explains.

You nod understandingly, "I'll go talk to him."

The guys nod in agreement. Before you head in, you hand the bag of delicious smelling food to Jimin.

"Oh, I bought you guys some food. Make sure to save Kookie some!"

The boys all smile at you gratefully, "Thanks Eunji-yah!"

They leave and you enter the dance studio to see Jungkook tirelessly dancing to the music. He tried to hide his exhaustion as he moved his body with the beat and his hair was damp from sweat. Was it weird that you still found him cute as ever?

"Kookie," you say in a soft voice, gaining the young man's attention.

He stops dancing when he hears your voice, "Jagi?"

Before walking over to you, he stopped the music.

"Are you okay?" You can't help but ask, cupping the side of his cheek with your hand.

Jungkook rarely showed much of his tired or stressed emotions, but seeing you now made him show those emotions. Seeing you just made him want to break down.

He pulls away and runs his hands through his hair, "I'm such a screw-up Jagi. I can't get the frickin dance right, my voice isn't that good anymore and I suck!"

The way Jungkook was talking astonished you.  This was not the passionate or confident Jungkook you knew. How could he think that about himself? 

You gently rub your thumb across his cheek, "Jeon Jungkook don't say such things! You're far beyond from a screw-up and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

You placed your finger on his chin to make him so his eyes would meet yours. You hated seeing the stressed tears in his eyes. 

"You work so hard Jungkook and I've witnessed it. You're a beautiful singer and an amazing dancer. Don't lose confidence," you continued. You began to draw random patterns across his back in an effort to calm him. His expression softened a bit.

Jungkook shakes his head, "I don't think I can Jagi. I keep messing everything up."

"Yes, you can Kookie. I know you can. And you're not messing anything up. No one is expecting you to be perfect," you say softly, arching your hands to have your fingers continue trailing across his shoulder blades and down to his lower back. Your soothing touch gave Jungkook a shivery feeling of pleasure. He smiled in content.

You lean in and kiss his cheek, "Jungkook you've worked so very hard. Don't let one dance push you down."

He sighs and gives you a small smile, "Yeah you're right Jagiya. Thank you."

You smile back, " I believe in you Jungkook. Fighting!"

He laughs at your enthusiasm and kisses your nose making you blush. The next hour was spent working on the dance. You weren't as good as he was, but you tried your best to guide him in perfecting the dance.

"Jagiya do you know that I love you?" He whispers in your ear as the two of you walk home.

You intertwine your arm with his, "I love you too."

He kisses your cheek, "Well I love you so much Jagi. Thank you for motivating me today."

You smile and lean your head against his shoulder, "You needed the motivation. Whenever you feel stressed just call me okay?"

He nods in reply and then presses a sweet kiss onto your lips. When Jungkook said he loves you, he really does. You are always there for him whether he's jubilant or when he's crying. He knew that you'd always to be there to encourage and support him.

You are Jungkook's motivation. 😊


Annyeong my lovely readers, I hope you enjoyed this imagine. I made this to remind everyone that Jeon Jungkook has feelings too, yeah?

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