Jase and Avery (again)

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I got bored
And I decided
I'm gonna draw those two fellow fan kids again because my fellow friend is right they're too adorable and I just can't XD
So as you know I were a little backstory for them so if you don't know it go read it in the previous chapter or you won't get what's going on
Here it is

So I got bored And I decided Hey I'm gonna draw those two fellow fan kids again because my fellow friend is right they're too adorable and I just can't XD So as you know I were a little backstory for them so if you don't know it go read it in the ...

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And my "super quick" digital art style returns XD
I also drew this drawing so the colors of these two are a bit more clear XD The previous one was on paper and the lighting made it look like it was lacking some colors
I really wanna make a full story of these two but that might not happen until later on... But hey I'll look at what people do with these two XD

But do me a favor guys
If any of you decide to write/draw something about these two, please don't do anything after their middle school years. Because if I write the story, I wanna tackle high school years and I don't wanna bring anyone's hopes down if my views aren't the same as theirs XD
And if you're gonna do that, make sure it's in line with the back story as well 😅

I highly doubt there are gonna be a lot but I'm just making sure just in case lmao

Alright good night everyone (it's night where I'm at lmao Midwest peeps where ya at)

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