Chapter 4: She Likes Me!!!?!

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Raven's POV:
Shay has been ignoring me all week! I don't know what to do. Every time we make eye contact, she blushes and runs away. I know she likes me, but I dont know if she knows she likes me! I'll ask her tomorrow, I'll make sure she doesnt run away!
I see shay, shes walking into the bathroom. Nows my chance! I ran into the bathroom and she was on the car right, the sink against the wall. She looked in the mirror at me, and just like normal she blushed, then she pushed me against the wall???!?
Shay looked at me in the eyes, still blushing. She made me blush. She said, "can I ask you something Raven?" "Y-Yeah, what is it?" I stuttered. She pulled at the collar of my shirt, our lips slammed together, we held there for a long time. When we broke for air, she said, "I love you!" I breathed heavily, and said "I love you to... My little blue!"

Thank you so so much for reading this chapter of the shades crimson heart!
See you next time bye!

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