Love That Was Not Meant To Be

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Wil Ohmsford

Half-elf from the Shady Vale

Wanted to be, trained to be and became a Healer

Forced to put a halt his dream to become a Healer by Allanon

He went to find Amberle so she could save the Ellcrys


Amberle Elessedil

Elven Princess from Arborlon

Became a part of the Chosen but ran from her duties and her home

Taught a group of children about life outside of the community


Wil and Allanon ran into Amberle teaching children

He persuaded her to go back to Arborlon and save the Ellcrys

She went willingly to go to Arborlon to get more information

They went on a journey to Safehold and back with the help of a few others


They got to know each other on the way there

They got to know each other pretty well

They supported each other with the task at hand

They slowly opened up to each other

They had mutual love and true love for each other

Despite having competition with another girl


But it was not meant to be

They would not be able to be with each other

Amberle know what would happen so she took the chance

Amberle became apart of the Ellcrys at the end of the journey

Wil could not help it and could not make peace with the choose

Wil would stand close to the Ellcrys and tried to talk

Amberle heard everything and could not say anything


Eventually, Wil went into the Ellcrys in times of need

He asked Amberle for guidance and admitted his love for her

Amberle admitted her love but she wanted each other to cherish what they had

The love between them did not seem to fade at all

But the time has passed for them

And it was time for them to move on since it was not meant to be

------------------------ = Verse Break

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