Wil and Eretria

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A Half-Elf from Shady Vale

Wanted to train to be a healer and eventually becomes one

The last descendant of the long Ohmsford before his children



A Rover Girl from Cephalo's Rover Clan

Wants to be free and does not want to be around Cephalo

Ability to unlock the Bloodfire


Both want to leave their homes to do their own thing

For Wil, he wanted to be a healer though he did not step outside of the Shady Vale

For Eretria, she want to leave Cephalo and his clutches

They seem to want to experience the world around them


Both accidentally ran into each other while they were on their own missions

Wil left Shady Vale to become a heal but Allanon put him on a different path

Eretria was on a thief mission that was given by Cephalo

He ran into a troll on the way to find Amberle

She killed the troll and saved his life

She teased him and called him "Short Tips"

Then told him that he should not be alone in the area that he was in

Then took some of the most valuable items from him

Then left him


Wil and Eretria would run into each other a couple more times

Once was when Wil was with Amberle while on the road

She kidnapped them and took them to Cephalo

She agreed to help them escape

She pretty much gave their stolen belongs to them

The other time was in Arborlon

She subdued Wil in one of the palace rooms

And took back some of the things she took from them

But immediately got caught by the guards and received a punishment

Yet, Wil saved her life by suggesting that she could help with the quest


While on the journey

There was a lot of jealousy between Eretria and Amberle

This jealous was about Wil and their relationship with him

Thou it got a bit annoying at times

Thou Wil developed feelings for both girls

Thou one of the relationships could not last by the end of the journey

Will and Eretria were sadden the lose

Yet, they were forced to move on


Eventually they married

Having two children

A girl named Brin and a boy named Jair

Wil became a healer and Eretria would helped with his work

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