Eventine's The Order of the Chosen Speech

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"Congratulations. As king, I welcome you to the Order of the Chosen. At the dawn of every new year, we gather in this sacred garden to recount the story of the Ellcrys. Thousands of years ago... our Elven ancestors fought a war against an army of Demons. The Elves were at the point of annihilation when their elders turned to magic. Using this powerful gift, they managed to imprison the Demons in a realm known as the Forbidding. The Ellcrys was created to stand sentry. As long as it lives, the Demons are locked up for all eternity. Now, I realize that for some of you, this is merely... folklore. But in no way does this diminish your responsibilities. And you are now its protectors. Now step forward, place your hands on the tree, and be accepted by the Ellcrys."

Link: https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=539&t=24480

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