My Love Dies, My Love Moves On

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My lover dies but I had to move on

I dye but My lover had to move on

Five different people with five different lives

Five different people with four different relationships in terms of love

Five different people

Jase, one of the Chosen

Catania, a friend and confidant of Amberle

Bandon, a scared Elf found by Wil, Amberle, and Allanon

Ander, an Elf prince and king of Arborlon

Lyria, a human princess of Leah


The first was between Jase and Catania

Jase and Catania were dating before Jase became a Chosen

Both lived and grew up in Arborlon

Both friendly to others

Jase was among the Chosen who died by the Reaper

Catania was upset when she heard he died


The second was between Catania and Bandon

Catania ran into Bandon in the Halls of Arborlon

They bumped into each other

Catania was afraid since Bandon gave her a vision

Eventually, they got to know each other over a short time

Eventually, they fell in love with each other over a short time

Near the end, Bandon attacked Catania and ran

Catania was heartbroken in the process

Later, Bandon became one of the helpers of the Dagda Mor

Later, Catania moved on with her life


The third was between Catania and Ander

They lived in Arborlon for pretty much their whole life

They knew each other but not very well when it came to their love

They fell in love with each other once Ander declared his love for her

It was not meant to be

She was killed by Bandon for trying to help her friends

He grieved the loss of his lover


Last was between Ander and Lyria

They seemed to know each other pretty well

Probably know each other from mutual friends and people they know

It was more related to joining forces

It did not last very long

It lasted at the altar when Ander was killed and Lyria


For Jase and Catania

His lover moved on when he joined the Chosen and died

Her lover died when he died by the Reaper

For Catania and Bandon

His lover moved on the moment he changed and attached her

Her lover died the moment he changed and attached her

For Catania and Ander

His lover died when she was attached murdered by her old lover

Her lover moved on when she was attached murdered by her old lover

For Ander and Lyria

His lover moved on when he was killed at the altar

Her lover died when he was killed at the altar

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