Sibling Arguments at their best

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"Hey Shadow!" Zak said. "Hey Bro!" Shadow replied and the two brothers hugged each other. "Cosmo?!" Calabrass asked, astonished. "Yes, old friend. I'm happy to see you again, Calabrass." Cosmo said. "You two know each other?" Zak asked. "Ages ago, after I left Torg and built my own crew, Cosmo was my first mate. He was a much better friend than Torg. When I was turned into a sword, everyone in my crew was also punished. But since I spent so long in Blazz, I didn't know exactly what had happened to them all." Calabrass explained. "Some of them ran away and hid, but then they were hunted down and killed. Some of them were cursed straight away, like you and me. I remember one of them, approximately a thousand years ago, running past me in the forest that Shadow found me in, but then lightning flashed and he became nothing but a pile of ashes on the ground." Cosmo described. Calabrass sighed. 

"Can we talk about something less depressing? Like... maybe who's older or something? I'd really like to know that." Clovis asked. Zak and Shadow looked at each other. 

S: "I'm older by 24 seconds!"

Z: "No you're not! I am!"

S: "No, I am!"

Z: "No, me!"

They got into their usual heated argument they normally have when they argue about who's older. Clovis zoomed into the cabin, then came back carrying a large bucket of popcorn, sat down on the steps and started eating it like their little argument was his favourite film at the cinema. The others watched in shock - they had never seen their Captain so heated up, not even around Bones. 

S: "Just because you seem to be the captain of this poxy little ship, dosen't mean that you're the oldest!"

Z: "My ship is not poxy, thank you very much! And I'll have you know.. we're triangle famous! You're nothing!"

S: "You may be famous, but no one knows that all you are is a fucking asshole!"

Z: "I'm a fucking asshole? You're the fucking asshole! No, you're worse than that... you're a dickhead!"

S: "Oh really?"

Ce: "Hey! These arguments won't get us anywhere! You need to stop and move along!"

S: "And who said you can stop us, FishTick?!"

Z: "Hey! Insult my crew one more time, and I'll toss you overboard to swim with the sharks!

Ce: "Zak, now don't you think that's a little bit harsh?"

S: "Yeah, listen to your girlfriend Bitch!"

Z: "She is not my girlfriend! She's just a friend like everyone else!"

Ce: "Yep, and that's the way it's going to stay!"

S: "I'm surprised you even have friends, Dicky Storm!"

The two went back and forth for another good ten minutes. Cece tried to separate them, but they wouldn't budge. Suddenly, Caramba's warning alarm went off, and he noticed the Demoniac rising out of the water. "ZAK!" Caramba shouted to get his attention. "What? Oh!" Zak said as he noticed the Demoniac. "7C's, battle positions! Shadow and Cosmo, you two just go hide out in the cabin and make sure you don't interrupt!" Zak demanded. 

While everyone went into their positions, Shadow crossed his arms and stayed in place. "I don't know if it's dawned upon you yet, but you may be a Captain, that does not mean you're in charge of me! I'll go where I want!" He protested. "Well, excuse me but I'm the only one who knows their way around here! I don't think you want Crogar to have to lock you in there because you won't go there yourself!" Zak said. "Well, let him try!" Shadow said. Zak cleared his throat, and Crogar came over and picked up Shadow. "Hey! Put me down!" Shadow demanded. Zak laughed and Crogar opened the cabin door and tossed Shadow in. Then he shut and locked it. 

"Great Job, Crogar!" Zak said. "So, Zak Storm! I see you received a temporary visit today! Too bad your little guest won't stay for long! Now... surrender and he'll be fine! But fight me and I'll have skeletons break down that door!" Golden Bones said. "Yeah, no, that's not gonna happen BoneFace! Calabrass, give me the eye of Aeria!" Zak demanded, and once he transformed, he ran straight for Bones. 

Shadow sighed. "Now don't you think putting Zak on the spot in front of his crew was a little harsh?" Cosmo asked. "Yeah, I guess so." Shadow said. He was now a little disappointed in himself - now his brother's crew will think that he always argues with Zak and that he's really immature for it. 

As he fought with Bones, Zak thought the same thing. He thought about apologising to Shadow, and worried the same thing that he worried about - that his crew thinks that he always argues with him and that he's really immature for it. 

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