[Getting to know you is kinda nice]

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IT HAD BEEN TWO WEEKS since Midas had moved in with you. It took him a while to get comfortable in his new home but he had eventually found the place to feel like home. During those two weeks Midas desperately tried to reach Asuna, hoping she'd come to her senses and take him back. Midas would often catch himself fantasizing about how one rainy day Asuna would knock at his door in tears, begging him to take her back. He knew he'd gain so much satisfaction at a sight like that...

Of course Midas knew that would never actually happen. He knew was the sorry beggar in this story, and he hated that fact. Midas felt like being without Asuna meant that there was really no purpose for him in this world anymore, she was the only person who had ever wanted him in a way that made him feel like a somebody. But despite being a begging dog the entire week Midas was able to get to know his roommate a bit better. One thing Midas had discovered was that you enjoyed photography, he had seen your camera hanging in your room recently. Midas had asked Aki if you were actually into photography and she had said yes, you had a passion for it ever since you were nine.

"You're not falling for my little sister now, are you~?" Aki teased through the phone.

Midas felt himself slightly blush at Aki's tease. He didn't see you romantically but the idea still flustered him. The goth let out a smooth laugh. "You wish, then that would give you even more reasons to tease me." Midas replied, rolling his bright pink eyes. Aki laughed in response as well. It was currently Nine Fifteen and Midas had been up since Seven, he didn't have to go to work till twelve. Right now the pastel boy lied on his unmade bed, talking to his best friend while staring up at the ceiling. it had only been fifteen minutes since they had started talking.

"Oh god, guess who I ran into yesterday?" Aki randomly mention. Midas hummed thinking of several people when she said that.


With that name Midas quickly sat up "R-Really?" He asked, hoping Aki would say she asked about him. "Yeah, she kept gloating about her new boyfriend." Aki said with annoyance. Midas felt a weight on his chest. "S-She didn't ask about me? Did she?" He asked feeling hopeful. A sigh was heard on the other line. "Nope." She said popping the P. The pink haired boy threw himself back onto his bed in disappointment. "Oh." He disappointedly mumbled. "Yep," Aki sighed out, "she's still a bitch. I really don't understand why you can't just find somebody better. I mean, is it really that hard?"


No one wants him, he's fully aware of that. "I don't know, I'm still healing." Midas said. Aki rolled her eyes, glad she was on the other side of the phone. "Just go hoe around! I'm not saying to commit to anyone!" Aki shouted. Midas laughed at her words, knowing she was dead serious. "Okay okay!" He laughed, after a moment of giggling Aki decided to change the subject remembering something crazy she saw on the news. "Oh did you hear about--"

*T H U M P*

Midas was instantly interrupted by a loud noise from your room. He sat up looking outside his bedroom and at your room door. It was closed so he wasn't sure if the noise had come from you. Did you fall out of bed?

"Midas?" Aki called curious about the sudden silence on Midas' end. The pink haired boy stood up from his bed. "Hold on, I'll call you back later." And with that, Midas hung up the phone. He left his room, stealthily making his way to your door. Midas could hear loud thuds and crashes erupting from your room, curiosity got the better of him. Once Midas finally made it to your door, he put his ear onto your white door. Midas' heart nearly stopped whenever the door swung open. The next thing he saw was a splat of black and white. He heard groaning and felt his body on the cold floor. He lifted himself up with his elbows, his throat swelling when he was met with your hurt face. You lifted your body up rubbing your head, you gasped realizing you had ran into the pink haired boy.

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