[Why so flirty?]

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Midas was confused with his new and sudden feelings for you. On one hand he was very sure that you were just a small crush and the only reason he even liked you was because of how kind you were to him. But on the other hand he couldn't stop himself from thinking about you and your wonderful smile. Midas felt like he was thinking about this a little too hard so he wanted a second opinion. Aki tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

"Why not just ask her out?" She kindly suggested. The idea gave Midas a tight knot in his stomach. Ask you out? No— No that was defiantly out of the question! Midas didn't want to be rejected again. Plus, he barely knew you! It's only been about a month since he moved in and he barely discovered what your favorite food was! He still knows nothing valuable about you! Midas aggressively shook his head in response. "No! Are you kidding? I might as well just ask her to kick me out." He stated. Asking you out could make things awkward for the two of you, especially since you guys lived together.

Aki nodded her head, understanding his point. What could he do to get Aki's sister to like him? The pregnant woman thought for a couple of seconds, she jumped up when she had an epiphany. "Oh! Oh! Why don't you send her secrete gifts and love letters?" She thought. Midas rose a brow "You mean like a secrete admirer?" He asked, not liking the way it sounded off his tongue. Aki nodded her head with a grin, knowing that this was a terrific idea!

"Yeah! It'll give you a chance to show her how much you like her! It can also be a way to let out all of your bottled up love without her even knowing it's you!"

"But isn't that kinda stalkerish and like—a bit creepy?"

"What? No! Haven't you ever watched a romance movie?? Chicks dig it! It's incredibly romantic!" Aki swooned. Midas cringed at the thought of romance movies, they were so dumb and movies lied about what romance and love was really like, but—The idea of giving you secret tokens of love did appeal to him... "I'll think about it." He mumbled out. Aki smiled. "I'll totally help you with choosing what to get her." She said. Midas nodded thinking over what he would get you.

What was your favorite candy? Did you have a favorite flower? What did you hate? He should really think about this a bit more. He sighed.

Midas had been at Aki's house for a few hours now, talking about random stuff until the subject would sometimes jump back to you and his feelings. "Well. I should head back home." He said. Aki nodded, knowing it was starting to get late. "Say hi to my weirdo sister!" She said. Midas chuckled a bit, knowing it was only playful banter. Although, now that he thought about it... You were a bit strange weren't you?

~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~     ~

Days had gone by and Midas felt stuck, the more time he spent with you the more he wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to hear your voice, he began to feel irritated on days he had to work or when you were busy with class. It was so dull and boring without your witty jokes, you made the room feel so much brighter and alive. Eventually Midas had came to the conclusion that he did like you! But it was still too early to try and confess his love anytime soon. Midas wanted to know if you liked him back or if he was just a fool for liking you.

He sighed heavily, laying on his bed staring up at a ceiling for an hour probably wasn't healthy. Midas had nothing better to do but sit around and wait for you. He felt like a lost little puppy waiting for his owner to come home, wagging his tail when he hear the keys jingle at door, so full of life when you opened the door. It wasn't till he realized that you were actually working today. Midas sat up running his fingers through his soft pink hair. Despite it being dyed pink, his hair had such a fluffy texture instead of it being dried out and dead.

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