[I Think I Like You Instead]

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THE NIGHT WAS A WILD ONE. Midas had gone past his drinking limits and had began to get a tad bit emotional. (Y/n) was extremely embarrassed to have to deal with all his sobbing and sudden outlashes on people. She couldn't believe how feisty he became when people would even look at him. (Y/n) eventually had to drag the depressed man home, annoyed at his gibberish and random compliments. She had never thought Midas could be so mean to people, she honestly hoped he wouldn't snap on her, but he never did. Of course, this wasn't the first time (Y/n) had to deal with a drunken friend. The worst experience she had ever had was when her friend vomited chunks on her without warning. Let's just say she was mortified at the action and never talked to that person again.

When (Y/n) had finally got Midas home she placed him on the couch going to grab some bread for him to eat before he went off to bed (Fact: bread absorbs the alcohol in your stomach and helps you sober up!) When she came back into the living room the girl was surprised to witness that Midas was sound asleep on the floor, he was laying on his stomach. (Y/n) sighed, glad he was done giving her trouble. She was definitely going to scold him tomorrow about this. Although, she did fully understand why he got drunk in the first place. (Y/n) just hoped he'd get over his ex girlfriend soon, if he continues to act like this he may not be so healthy by next week. . .

By the morning Midas had woke up with his head throbbing in pain. His eyes were too sensitive from the light that shone through the window and he felt like hurling from the smell of alcohol on his clothes. When was the last time he had woken up with a hangover? Midas hated when he drank but despite knowing the sickly consequences he did it anyway. Noise had suddenly made his head hurt a little bit more. The sound of dishes hitting each other had really woke Midas up. He sat up from the floor confused to how he got here. Midas examined his surroundings, trying to place the puzzle pieces together. What did he do last night..?

"You're awake!" You purposely shouted. Midas winced in annoyance and pain, he kept telling himself that this would be the last time he drank. You walked over to Midas holding a mug of hot coffee. "Can you please lower your voice?" Midas asked, his voice raspy and parched. You smirked "Oh? You don't like that, huh? Well I didn't like babysitting you." You calmly stated. You leaned into Midas' ear "So we're even!!" Midas jumped at the sound of your sudden and loud voice. A sharp pain went through his head. "Okay okay! I'm sorry!" He apologized. You smiled in victory, casually handed him his coffee.

"It won't happen again, right?" You questioned. Midas sighed hoping he wasn't lying to himself either. "I promise it won't happen again..." He said, looking away in embarrassment. You grinned. "Good, now go get cleaned up." You ordered. Midas stood up lazily making his way to his room he went to his mirror and began taking out his eye contacts.

It wasn't even a second before you came in wanting to tell him something. You froze in shock. Midas turned his head over at you one contact in his hand and the other still in his eye. You were astonished to see one pink eye and one beautiful blue eye. Even after three weeks of living with Midas you had no idea Midas had blue eyes, they were gorgeous! Midas turned a bit red, he couldn't handle being stared at for more than a minute. "W-What?" He stuttered out. You pointed at his one blue eye.

"You're eyes are blue." You stated. Midas was a bit confused. Did you really think his pink eyes were his real ones? Well, they did live in a world where having different colored hair such as blue, red, and pink was natural. So your initial thoughts weren't too crazy. Midas chuckled taking out his other contact showing you his natural blue eyes. "Yeah, they've always been blue." He said with a smile. You felt your gut twist, you hated to admit it but Midas was... Kinda hot when he smiled. You instantly threw that thought to the back of your head. He's your roommate! Chill out!

"They're pretty." You unknowingly mumbled. Midas instantly grinned at your compliment, trying to not make his smile look so big. Your compliments really make him happy, dare he say you make his heart skip a beat.

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