[Holding back]

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EVER SINCE Midas realized his feeling for you, he couldn't help but want to be near you all the time. Something about your company just made him feel full. Midas had never felt like this with Asuna, she only made him feel like he had purpose. But what was so different about you? Why did you make Midas feel so special? Was it because you stood by him even when you found him dead drunk at your door? Or was it because you could tolerate his existence? He wasn't sure yet...

He was dying to know what made you so... special to him though.

Midas was ashamed to admit it but he also began craving your scent. Every morning when you went to work or class he found himself wrapped up in your blankets and in your bed. It was so soft and cozy, and did he mention that he adored the scent you left? It brought such a light feeling in his chest, a feeling of pure excitement and joy! Every inhale of your blanket would sooth his anxious mind. Something about it just brought Midas into a comfortable state of mind. It reminded him of a home he had never been to, yet, it felt like he had been to??

Midas never really found himself making much sense when he's with you, he's been finding it very hard to stay "cool" around you lately. Anything you said or did made him sputter and well, stutter. He wasn't sure why he was acting this way.


Scratch that—-

He knew exactly why he was acting that way. Midas just wasn't sure if he was crushing on you or just acting on feelings that made him want to get his mind off Asuna. But the more Midas thought about his "love" for Asuna the more he realized maybe there was nothing ever there? No sparks or even butterflies in his belly... but with you his body tingled with anticipation, he wanted to hear your voice, to hear you tease him in that flirty tone of yours. He wanted you.

Midas wrapped himself tighter in your blanket. The more he thought about you the more Midas fantasized about you. His stomach felt so odd and his whole body felt sensational at the thought of you merely touching him. God, his body aches without you, it almost feels painful not to have you here beside him. Midas felt the room grow hot, he clenched onto the blacket tightly adoring what could be you. His mind wandered into a place of love and filth. Why was his mind craving these scenarios to be real?

Eventually, Midas snapped out of it. His phone was ringing telling him to pull his shit together. Maybe having a female roommate wasn't such a good idea after all... Midas tried to relax but his mind was on edge right now.


Midas harshly gulped. You really weren't helping him right now. You've been acting very flirty with him lately. The pink haired boy couldn't tell if that was just apart of your amazing charm and personality or if you just liked messing with him.

"(Y-Y/n)! What's up.?"

His voice was so shaken when he answered but you didn't seem to notice. You sighed on the other end of the phone "Are you busy?"

"No! What do you need?" Midas quickly replied. He'd be willing to drop everything if it meant helping you for a bit. Not like he was busy at the moment anyway. You giggled on the other side of the line. "You should come to the bar! I'm bored and I can't think of anyone else who makes me laugh as much as you." Midas had a wide grin on his face. You were asking for him, you were asking for him! But he wanted to hear you beg him a bit. You had the cutest voice when you begged.

"Jeez, I don't know (Y/n)..."


Bingo, that's the voice he loved to hear. A voice directed at him, in a conversation with him... That's all he wanted. Midas laughed eventually agreeing to go visit you. "Okay fine! I'll go if it means that much to you." He chuckled. "Oh thank god, I really need your company right now." You admitted with a sigh. Midas rose a brow a bit curious "Why so? Are you really that bored?" You hesitated to reply. "Well... You see there's this guy—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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