[Falling In Love With You Is Easy]

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MIDAS' HEAD THROBBING HAD WOKE HIM UP. He felt so disgusting. His breath smelled of hard liquor and bad breath and his stomach felt twisted in a way that caused him to want to vomit. Midas couldn't even recall what had happened after he had arrived at the bar. Midas only remembered drinking, and possibly fighting with the bartender... But what he couldn't remember was what had happened after that? Midas stirred on a soft bed, the warm sheets wrapped around his body, it felt so cozy—so nice. Now that he thought about it, where was he? Midas groaned, forcing his natural blue eyes to open. He was met with a white ceiling fan that spun making him a bit sick of it's swift movements. Midas sat up examining the familiar room.

Wait? Familiar?

Midas turned his head seeing a woman softly sleeping next to him. At first he was unsure of who the mysterious person was. But Midas was flustered when he came to realize that he was in bed with his roommate!The boy's face burned red as he silently panicked on the inside. What the hell did he do last night!? Think. Think! Nothing was coming to his frantic mind. Midas' breath suddenly hitched in his throat when he felt you stir awake. You sat up rubbing your puffy and tired eyes. Midas felt his stomach twist anxiously. Why were you so... cute?

"You're awake." You said with a raspy voice. Midas gulped "W-We didn't—?" It took you a second to realize what he was implying "No! Jeez what kind of girl do you take me for?" Feeling slightly offended. Midas quickly apologized, although, still a bit confused to why he was in your bed. You yawned a bit before telling him what had happened last night. "You came home really drunk, I tried to sober you up and send you to bed but you kept sneaking into my room." You explained, "You seemed like you didn't want to be left alone so I let you stay." You mumbled out. Midas felt a wash of shame go through his face, he hated when he would get emotional, how manly...

"So then I'm guessing the date didn't go all too well, huh?" You softly asked. Midas clenched his jaw trying to fight back any more tears. "S-She never showed up." Midas confessed. You gave him a soft look of pity. Last night really made him feel awful, it hurt so much to be rejected by a person who never even bothered to give him a chance. You could see the despair in his pretty blue eyes, you felt so bad for him... But what could you do to help him cheer up? You were quiet for a moment thinking of a way to help while Midas just sulked. You grinned hoping that being a friend could get him through the pain. "C'mon get cleaned up!" You said throwing the covers off you. Midas stared at you puzzled. "Where are we going?" He questioned, not trusting your enthusiasm.

You gave him a grin. "No where special, I just wanna help you get your mind off last night." You admitted. Midas' chest instantly became warm, he was surprised by your sudden burst of kindness. Were you really that concerned about him? Usually it's the other way around for Midas, no ones ever really gone out of there way to make him feel better. "But, don't you have class today?" He asked. You waved it off "Don't worry about that, I can't just leave you alone in a time of need." You explained. "Now go get dressed." You demanded, Midas tried to hold back his smile, he really didn't deserve you...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After Midas had dressed himself up, which involved a lot of bright colors, he found himself admiring how cute you looked in a summer's outfit. He forced himself to look away, figuring that it was creepy to stare.

Today you had taken Midas down town which was the town's main hang out spot, it had stores, coffee shops, restaurants, and a few more things. It had been a long time since he had gone out here with a friend.Midas recalled Asuna going out with her friends but never with him, she would always say he would kill the fun... That would always make him feel bad... 

As you two walked side by side, you were babbling about a coffee shop you really liked. Midas was a bit sad that you didn't go to the one he worked at, he figured he would show you another time. As you both talked and laughed, you guided Midas to the shop you had been mentioning, "You have no idea how great the pumpkin bread is!" You said, pushing the door open as a loud ring sounded out. Midas kept a bright smile, genuinely enjoying every word you had to say.  He felt happy with you around, you made him feel so nice a warm, you made him feel normal and accepted, you made him feel loved and wanted. . .

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