minecraft O.o

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himiko: shes a minecraft GOD, she enjoys raiding villages

angie: angie is a minecraft builder, once she built an Atua statue.

kokichi and shuichi: they both suck ass at the game. kokichi frequently gets stuck in two block deep holes and cries over it until shuichi can find him

gonta: he tames as many wolves and animals as he can

ryoma: he doesnt really like to play, ryomas more of a "make fun of kokichi cry helplessly" kinda guy

keeboy: keebo has no idea how anything works, like shuichi and rat boy, he sucks at minecraft

miu: (if you havent watched pewdiepies minecraft series this wont make sense to you) miu made a villager fuck chamber😏😏😏

kaede: kaede loves farming!!!! she grows many things!!! every time she sees a flower she takes it. seriously her inventory is full of flowers

kaito: he really just keeps kokichi and shuichi from dying. my man will run into a fight with ANY mob with zero hesitation

maki: surprisingly maki enjoys minecraft, shes a redstone engineer 😌

rantaro: he hasnt slept properly in about 8 years since minecraft came out. hes a minecraft VETERAN

tsumugi: she tries her best! tsu LOVES parrots and will cry if she sees one

korekiyo: kills kokichi every chance he gets

kirumi: she just watches beside ryoma as her children all scream at each other


tenko: built a little cottage for her and himiko. its surrounded by flowers and they have a dog named toby.


just kidding! let me know if i forgot anyone😂❤️

Danganronpa V3 pregame/in game? headcanons. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ