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IF they ever ordered mcdonalds as a class

shuichi - eats salad like an idiot

kaito - hogs literally every big mac

maki - inconspicuously takes a piece of everyones food but no one knows it

himiko - prefers the breakfast menu. SPECIALLY HASHBROWNS

kokichi - ordered a happy meal because there was a toy in it

kaede - is almost tackled for eating the hashbrown

gonta - he likes chicken nuggies🥺

tsumugi - is in it for the fries

kiibo - cries because he cant eat the food

rantaro - eats salad with shuichi because theyre dumb

miu - is dehydrated because of a certain bastard

angie - "atua says fast food is bad for you!"

kirumi - literally just makes sure kokichi doesnt do anything dumb. she insists on cooking healthier food but no one listens to her🥺

tenko - happily watches her magic gf in awe as she angrily stares at kaede

ryoma - hes a mcflurry kinda guy

kork - drinks every drink that was ordered

sorry for the lack of updates!! my school is closed due to the coronavirus, so more updates should be coming soon my loves. if you have any requests for my oneshot books please post them on my wall!! stay safe and remember to wash your hands!💗💗💗

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