kazuichi souda headcanons

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a lot of you may not know but out the entire danganronpa franchise

kazuichi souda is my favorite character! so i decided to write down all my headcanons for him here. i hope you enjoy💗

1. hes afraid of the dark
2. he loves physical affection!!
3. hajime is the only person he can really open up to
4. he likes plushies
5. he has adhd and anxiety
6. hes good friends with hajime, chaiki, and ibuki
7. he uses his crush on sonia as a way to convince himself hes straight
8. hes not straight
9. probably has a praise kink idk
10. he dyed leons hair in the bathroom at school
11. he would probably get along with miu
12. crippling daddy issues
13. he cant have caffeine
14. he isnt as gross as he seems to be, hes just really not good at expressing himself
15. hajime is the one person he trusts


can you tell i ship kazuichi and hajime?💀 let me know your headcanons for your favorite character!!!

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