Chapter 10

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I smiled at him and he came closer and gave me a hug, his smell felt so familiar but yet so far away. We hug for awhile, not even wanting to let go of each other, I've missed him so much but I know he wants to go back to his other life and I can't make him stay.


Derek left soon after our last hug, he kissed my forehead and left. I stayed in my room alone for a minute, I can't believe how much I miss him already. Yes, I was mad about everything that has happened in the past couple of years but he was still my husband; however, I love Aaron so much, with him everything flows, there is no complication, no need for even words, he knows me so well in matters I didn't even think he could, he loves my kids and we are building a home together. I felt bad for not letting Derek see the kids but I can't let Declan go through that pain again, he was so depressed after Derek died that I can't do that to him. The girls don't know any better so they would think Derek is a friend of mine nothing else.

I got up from my bed and started grabbing my stuff so I could leave this place soon, I couldn't wait to see my kids and be in my house. I packed my bag and changed my gown to some joggers and a tank top that Aaron had brought me and then I closed my bag and headed out.

- Em, you should have waited for me to help you. - said Aaron rushing to carry my bag

- I'm fine honey, don't worry, thanks. - I said giving him a smile

- Ready to go home Em? - asked Reid

- Yes, you don't know how much. - I said and everyone laughed

- Em, I sent some groceries to your home, to your mom, so you didn't have to go to the store or anything and I might had sent some muffins for my goddaughters and godsons. - said Penelope

- Thanks Penn, you didn't have to do that! - I said giving her a hug

- No worries Em, it's my pleasure - she said

- Did Derek leave already? - I asked

- Yes he left back to London already - Said Rossi

- Well... Em do you need anything else, anything we can help with? - asked JJ

- No guys thank you so much for everything and for taking care of me, I really appreaciate it! - I said

- Okay well you have a good caretaker so I think you'll be fine - said Spencer nogging Aaron

We all laughed and I said:

- That's for sure, I don't know how I got so lucky! - I said holding Aaron hand

- Well we will see you two lovebirds soon, let us know when you want us back at the office Hotch - said JJ

- Okay I will, hopefully the director gives us a couple of more days, at least until Monday. - said Aaron

- Okay, let us know, bye guys - said Rossi

We all waved and said our goodbyes before heading out to the cars. I was so ready to go home and rest in my own bed. The car ride home was quiet but comforting, when we pulled in the driveway the kids were all in the porch with signs saying "Mommy we've missed you" and "Get better soon". I got off the car as soon as Aaron parked and walked as fast as I could to hug my kids. The 4 of them came running and hugged me and kissed me, I have missed them so much.

- Mom I'm so glad you're home!! - said Declan super excited to see me

- Emy we missed you! - said Jack with a smile

I carried the girls and they both gave me kisses and hugs and said:

- Mommy we are so happy to see you! - said Mila still hugging me

- Yes mommy! - said Maddie with a big smile on her face

- Ohh my babies I've missed you so so much, you guys don't even know! - I said smiling

I put the girls down and they went to say hi to Aaron as well as Declan and Jack. While they were saying hi to Aaron I went up to the porch to say hi to my mom and brother that were still in town.

- Hi mom!! - I said while she came and hugged me with tears in her eyes.

- Ohhh Emily you don't know how happy and glad I feel seeing you come home. - said my mom

- I know mom, thanks for staying and taking care of the kids. - I said

- Oh honey don't even bother to thank me I love spending time with my grandkids.

I smiled and turned to see my brother with tears in his eyes too

- Ohh Em you don't know how much I've missed you!! - said Harley hugging me tight

- I've missed you too Harls - I said with tears in my eyes too

We stayed there for a while and then we went inside the house were my mom had bought dinner. We sat down and ate dinner, after that I went and gave the kids a bath and read them a bedtime story. I was exhausted after that so I said my goodbyes to my mom and brother and then Aaron and I headed to our room. We took a shower which felt amazing and then made my way to bed where as soon as Aaron hugged me I feel asleep...

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