Chapter 34

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It was about 5:30 pm when I finished talking to Emily and was picking up my stuff to leave, when JJ came in my office.

- Hey Hotch - she said

- Hey JJ, don't tell me we have a case - I said

- No, thankfully we don't - she said and I was relieved

- Okay great. Is there anything you need? - I asked

- Yes actually, I was hoping that Spencer and I could leave early to go to the hospital for an ultrasounds appointment I have - she said excited

- Of course, go ahead JJ, no problem. I was actually about to tell everyone I'm leaving and if they wanted they could leave too. - I said grabbing my brief case

- How's is Mila and Emily doing? Have you talked to them? - She asked worried

- Well last thing I heard from them a few minutes ago was that Mila has the stomach flu and Emily might have it too. - I said

- Oh no! That's not good, hopefully she doesn't. Are you going to go see her at the hospital? - she asked

- I'm actually waiting for her test results to come back because she told me if she has it then I can't go because we don't want all the other kids to get sick - I said walking out of the office with JJ

- Yes that's true, well keep me posted and let me know if you need anything - she said waving goodbye

- Okay I will, thank you and good luck today - I said waving back

- Thanks! - she yelled while I was catching the elevator to go pick Maddie up

I went inside the daycare and Marissa told me Maddie has been feeling really good, she ate all her lunch, and her temp has been normal which means she could be stomach flu free. I grabbed her stuff, held her hand and led her to the elevator to get in the car and pick up the boys at school. On our way there Maddie says:

- Daddy, where is Mills and when can I see her? - she asks worried

- Oh honey your sister is sick today so your mommy had to take her to see Dr. Robbins - I said to her

- Oh okay, can we go see her? - she asks

- Maybe tomorrow honey, but don't worry she will be fine - I tell her so she doesn't worry about her sister

We got to the boys' school, they hopped in the car and Declan says:

- Hey Aaron, where is my mom? - he asks me curious

- Well bud, since Mila wasn't feeling good your mom took her to the hospital - I said to him

- Is Mila okay Dad? - asked Jack

- She will be bud, don't worry - I said to him

I dialed Emily's number since she said to call her when I had the kids with me but her phone kept ringing and ringing until it went to voice mail. "That's weird" I thought to myself, but she is probably busy with Mila and that's why she can't get to the phone. I got to the house and the boys went straight in while I grabbed Maddie and helped her get in the house.

- Boys go take a shower so you guys can be ready for homework and dinner - I yelled as I walked to the twins room to drop Maddie stuff off

I decided to go and give her a bath, change her into her Pjs, and then let her play in the playroom for a while until Chloe got here.

Ding Dong...

I went and opened the door and it was Chloe.

- Hi Aaron, how are you? - she said as she walked in

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