Chapter 18

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Emily and I walked out of the PD with the lead detective in the case and I could see how he was just looking at Emily's broken arm and how he almost felt pitty for her, even though she is everyone's boss around here, it's like he didn't take her seriously and that made me mad. I got in the SUV and I drove us to the first crime scene where Kyle Murphy was found. When we got there the detective went up to the cops and told them who we were and they let us in the hotel room.

Emily started to walk around and understand what happened, so she said:

- Hotch look at the bed poles, she tied them up so she could restrain them - She said

- You're right Prentiss, he probably thought he was getting a night of fun but what he didn't realize was that she had other intentions. - I said

- Which means she has to be an attractive social butterfly for these alpha males to go out of their ways and bring her to their hotel rooms. - Emily said

- However, that means that this victims are chosen at random, she doesn't study them, she just goes to bars and finds the perfect victim type. - I said

- Do we know if any of these victims had a wife, girlfriend or fiancee? - Emily asked

- No Agent Prentiss, we don't have that information disclosed yet - said Detective Dawson

- Let me call Garcia - said Emily and she walked away to talk to her

I walked around the room, trying to figure out a little more about the unsub, but as we know most women unsubs are pretty clean and try to make the least amount of mess. CSI had been here getting DNA samples but many of this tests take days even weeks before we know if the person is in CODIS. Emily came back in the room and said:

- Garcia said that Kyle Murphy had a girlfriend back in Oklahoma; the second victim, Josh Hemsworth, had a wife and a baby on the way back in New York and our lastest victim, Scott Goldwin, had a wife also but no kids back in California.

- Okay, so they had to be unhappy in their relationships to cheat, Kyle Murphy was the one with the least ties so for him maybe cheating wasn't so wrong, however, for Josh and Scott they had a marriage and a baby that would signify a more important relationship. Why would they cheat so easily? - Emily asks

- We need to talk to their wives and girlfriend - I said and we walked out of the room

Emily and I walked back to the SUV and the Detective followed. We headed to the other 2 hotels were Josh Hemsworth and Scott Goldwin were killed; as well as the first crime scene, it was neat, no blood or extra over kill, the bed poles had the same marks on them but the last crime scene where Goldwin was killed had a message on the mirror with lipstick, which built up our woman unsub theory. The message said: "They all deserved it", so Emily snapped a picture and sent it to the team. After walking one last time through the last crime scene we decided to head back to the station. The ride back was quiet, the Detective wanted to say something, I knew he did but he just didn't find the courage to do so. Once we got back to the station Emily had told JJ and Penelope to contact the families and they were on their way, so it will take at least 2 hours for them to get here.

- Hey guys, so I contacted the wives and girlfriend so they are all on their way. - said JJ

- Thank you JJ - said Emily

Emily and I walked towards the meeting area where the rest of the team was at. Rossi had just gotten back from the different bars the victims were last seen at and we all wanted to know what he saw.

- So I went to the bars and they all remembered our victims because they were with this "hot" woman. - said Rossi

- So do we have an ID on her? - asked JJ

- Hold your horses, every bartender had a different description for the unsub - said Rossi

- She is using disguises so no one would recognize her. - said Emily

- Exactly, so she is more skilled than we thought - I said and then asked - Reid what do you have?

- Well the geographical profile is basically leading us to one street of bars - he said

- That's her confort zone - said Emily and continued - we should talk to the families once they get here and then deliver the profile, we might even need to patrol the bars as undercovers.

- I agree with Prentiss, once we get more information from the families we will head out in the streets and try to catch this woman - I said

- But what if we spook her and then she just decides to get out of her confort zone? - asked Reid

- Hopefully since we are Undercovers we will try to blend in and not alarm anyone before we really need to. - Emily said

Everyone nodded and then the detective came in and said that Josh Hemsworth's wife was here.

- Prentiss - I said and she nodded

She knows exactly what I meant and she followed me to another room to where the wife was at.

- Hello Mrs. Hemsworth, I'm agent Hotchner and this is agent Prentiss, we are with the FBI. - I said while Emily shook her hand

- Nice to meet you, I'm Lisa Hemsworth. - she said while rubbing her pregnant belly

- Mrs. Hemsworth we are very sorry for your loss, but we would like to ask you some questions about your husband if you don't mind - asked Emily

- Go ahead - she said

- Did you know why he was here in Chicago? - I asked

- He was here on a business trip but decided to stay a bit longer as a small vacation - she said

- Would he do that often? - Asked Emily

- Lately we have been having some problems and he needed to refresh his mind, I told him to take his time - She said sad

- I'm sorry I have to ask but was it because of the baby? - asked Emily

Mrs. Hemsworth stayed quiet for a second and then she said:

- Do you have kids agent Prentiss?

- Yes, I do - Prentiss said smiling, she would always smiled when she thought of the kids

- Was your husband or partner happy about it? - asked Mrs. Hemsworth

- Yes he was - said Emily and I could see how tense she got

- Well, for me was the total opposite, I thought my husband was going to be happy that we were expecting our first kid, but instead he has been distant and doesn't even want anything to do with this baby - she said rubbing her belly and continued - He would stay late at work, come back drunk sometimes, we would go days without seeing each other, he wouldn't sleep in the same bed with me, it was like something completely changed in him. Then I decided to check his phone one night that he was so drunk he passed out, and then I found it, he had been in a dating site and talking to younger women and I felt disgusted. I wanted to leave him but I couldn't just yet, I got my lawyer involved and we were getting everything ready to make a case against him and leave him in the streets. Then he came to me with this business trip to Chicago and I told him to take his time... - she choked on her words, she was crying

- It's okay Mrs. Hemsworth, we can take a break - said Prentiss

I passed he a box of Kleenex and she nodded her head and we left the room to give her some space to grieve her husband.

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