Chapter 11

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Monday morning...


I have been resting the whole weekend but now Monday has come around and we all have to get back to work. The Director called Aaron yesterday and told him he needed the whole team back in the field today, Aaron tried to get me off but the Director wasn't going to give us more time. The alarm woke us up at 5:30 am, we went and took a shower, then we got dressed, and while I was waking up the kids and helping them get ready Aaron was making breakfast. The boys both went and took a shower then got ready for school, I took the girls, gave them a bath and got them dressed for daycare. I was carrying both of them down the stairs while I yelled at the boys that breakfast was ready.

- Boys breakfast is ready!! - I yelled

- Okay!! - They said

- Thanks honey for breakfast - I told Aaron while giving him a kiss

- Eww!! - exclaimed the girls

We both laughed and I put the girls in their high chairs so they could eat their breakfast first since they take the longest. Then the boys came down and we all ate our food quick so we could finish getting ready and heading out of the house in time. I grabbed the girls' bags, my gun, my brief case, my badge, and coat; the boys grabbed their lunch boxes and backpacks; and Aaron grabbed his gun and badge, brief case and coat, and we were ready to leave the house.

All the kids were buckled in, so we headed to the BAU. When we got there, we arrived at the daycare and signed the girls in, then Penelope was already waiting for us so she could take the boys to JJ's old office where they stay to wait until the bus picks them up. We walked in the BAU and everyone was waiting for us in the conference room including the Director.

- Sorry we are late. - I said walking in and taking a seat

- Don't worry Agent Prentiss, we all just got settled - the Director said and I nodded.

- We have a very confidential case with the biggest loss of big rich people in history. The biggest people in the United States are dying in unidentified ways, everyone thinks it is suicide but the President doesn't think so, because of this, he wants the BAU to investigate this deaths.

- Okay, tell us more - I said opening my file

- The first victim is Mark Hawthorne, he was a big business man, worth about 150 million dollars. He was found in his home hung in the middle of the entrance of his summer home in Florida. The second victim is Brooke Cunningham, she was part of the house of Representatives of the United States. - said the Director

- Wasn't she the one that was going to run for president? - asked Rossi

- Yes, she had just announced last week that she will be one of the candidates for the presidency of 2020. - stated Reid

- So what's the connection between these people? - asked Hotch

- Well the only connection I could find was that Mark Hawthorne funded a part of the campaign for Brooke when she became governor of Florida. - said Penelope

- Was she found in Florida too? - I asked

- Yes she was found a few miles away from Mark's home, she had multiple cut marks on her wrists and the M.E report suggests sexual assault, however, that's a detail only we have since the media and many powerful people are selling the idea of suicide. - said Penelope

- Okay well wheel's up in 30 - I said and thend team left the room

When the team left the room it was the director, Hotch and I in the room.

- Are you flying with us sir? - I asked

- Yes, it will be Me, the section chief, and you the unit chief. This case is too big and too powerful so we all need to be there. Are you two ready? - Asked the Director

- Yes, of course - said Hotch, I just nodded and left the room to my office to grab my go bag 

Aaron followed me to my office and knocked on my door.

- Prentiss, you okay? - he said trying to sound professional, we had to and mostly today with the Director on our backs watching our every move.

- Yes, I'm fine, thanks Hotch. - I said giving him a reassuring smile

- Okay, see you in the jet Prentiss - he said and I just nodded

I picked up some files that I needed from my desk and put them in my brief case, then I grabbed my go-bag and went to the daycare to say bye to the girls. When I got there Aaron had just beat me to them.

- Hey hun - I said smiling

- Hey Em - He said giving me a peck on the lips.

- You beat me to them - I said

- I guess I did - He said smiling

- Mommy you leaving too- - Asked Maddie

- Yes honey, but I'll be back as soon as I can, and you know that Mommy and Daddy love you...

- the moon and back - said Mila smiling

- Yes to the moon and back, always remember that - I said giving them both a kiss

Aaron and I both carry one of them and hugged them, said goodbye and then left. While we were going to the air strip we FaceTime Declan and told him that we will be gone for a couple of days, he asked if I was okay and told us he was going to miss us and tell him when we are coming back. We got to the jet and Aaron and I stopped holding hands and went in the jet. Aaron sat with Rossi, I sat with JJ, Spencer start with Penelope that was going with us and the Director was alone. We were all profilers and really didn't think that the Director didn't know about all of us, but just in case he didn't then we put up a show.

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