Chapter 27

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The alarm went off at 5:30 am, I glance over to the nightstand and just hit snooze, I needed 5 more minutes. As I rolled over I caught a glance at Em that was just starting to wake up too, so I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her thin body noticing how much this job and life has taken a toll on her, she has had a rough year and it shows, that's why I try my best to be there for her in everyway I can.

- Good morning beautiful! - I said as I saw her rubbing her eyes

- Good morning handsome - she said turning around to face me

- Did you sleep good? - I asked

- Yes, I was very tired so as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out, wish I could stay in bed for life - she said laughing

I laughed too and rubbed her head

- I wish too, but duty calls so we better get ready - I said getting up and going to take a shower

I took a quick hot shower and then she went in and did the same as I got dressed, then she got out of the bathroom got dressed while I brushed my teeth and finished getting ready and then she did her hair, brushed her teeth, and we were both ready at 6:15 am. We texted the team and they were all almost ready so we went downstairs to get some coffee and call the kids since we haven't talked to them in a while and Em likes to talk to them as often as she can. We called Declan and he answered almost immediately:

- Hi mom, hi Aaron! - he said through FaceTime

- Hey honey, how are you guys doing? - Emily asked Declan

- We've been good, we all miss you guys like always - said Declan

- How's Jack and the twins doing? - I asked

- They are good, let me go get Jack - he said while walking towards Jack's room

- Hi dad, hi Emy!! - he said excited to see us

- Hi buddy, how are you? - asked Em waving at him

- We are doing good, Chloe and untie Penelope have been taking care of us - said Jack

- Okay that's good, how's school boys? - I asked

- It's been good, I had a math test and got a 91% on it, and Jack had a science quiz and he got an A+ on it! - said Declan really happy

- That's very good boys, we are very proud of you guys!! - said Em smiling

- Thanks mom! - said Declan and Jack followed up saying - Thanks Emy!

- Where are your sisters at? - Asked Em

- They are still asleep - said Declan walking to their cribs and turning the camera so we could see them

- Okay buddy, we will talk to you guys later, the team is coming - I said

- Okay bye guys, be safe - said Declan as Jack waved in the background

- You guys too, love you - said Emily sending them a kiss

Declan and Jack waved back and said their "I love you's" as we hung up. The team came closer, walkingwith their cups of coffee in their hands, and talking about something we couldn't really hear.

- Morning bosses - said JJ

- Good morning everyone - we said

- Ready to catch this killer - said Em

- Yes, let's get to it - said Rossi

We walked to the SUV's and left at 7 am to the station where we had a fresh group of victims waiting for us. As soon as we got to the station, Reid started pinpointing the new crime scenes, while Rossi and I headed to the newest crime scene, JJ went to help Garcia out to identify the new victims and Hotch was heading to the ME's office.

At the latest crime scene...

We arrived at the crime scene and the forensic analysts were going around and doing their thing while we analyzed the scene. I was trying to let it sink in, the place, and the evidence so we could help the profile. This latest crime scene was at an isolated park that was filled with trees and a small Creek where our males bodies were both collected from. The female body was staged hanging from a tree looking like a fallen angel again, looking down at the males. Behind from where the body of the female was hanging, on the tree there was a sentence engraved: "You deserve pain and you can't hide".

- Hey Rossi, look at this - I said waving my hand so he would come over

- What's up Prentiss? - he said as he was approaching

- Look at what the unsub wrote on this tree - I said pointing at the sentence

- "You deserve pain and you can't hide" - he read and continued by saying - I would imagine it's said to be for the male victims

- I think so too, but I also think he might mean he is ready for the final game, maybe his dad and stepbrother are still alive and he is going after them - I said taking a picture and sending it to the team

As soon as I did I got a conference call from Hotch, Penelope, and the rest of the team that were at the station.

- I think he is ready for the end game - I said

- Yes, which means we better find his family soon or they will be dead soon - said JJ

- I think I found them - said Penelope in disbelief

- Who are they? - Asks Rossi

- I ran the video footage face Prentiss and Hotch found and I got a hit right now. He was put in a mental hospital by his stepdad and brother when his mom died. - Penelope stated

- How did the mother die? - I asked

- She is said to have committed suicide but some speculations point to the stepdad pushing her off a bridge to a river. - Penelope said

- So that triggered the unsub's frenzy, and he was institutionalized? - asked Hotch

- Yes, but he was released a month ago, which is around the time the killings started - said Garcia

- Well this last kill definitely have him confidence - said Hotch

- MO changed? - I asked

- Yeah, I'll let you all know at the station - he said

- We are heading there now, see you all there, and Garcia send us all you can and addresses of the family - I said

Everyone said okay and hung up the call. Rossi and I got in the SUV and he started driving to the station, we will catch this guy soon.

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