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We all know that every legend starts with a prologue.
To introduce a scene or an event in a literary world. Except this is not fiction.

I have experienced every bit of what is about to be featured and so history shall repeat itself (as it always does). I have not wanted this story to be told until the time was right and I think it is.
The time is drawing nearer, my friend, and it is up to you to read this and learn what may happen in the future. But I am warning you; once you begin, there shall be no turning back.

Very well, I have warned you. Don't come crawling to me as you shall inherit my power. My time has come and it is up to you to rise up and become the hero you were born to be.

I shut you down from the life you were once living in and now it is time to face the truth.

Funny enough, I keep repeating the word "time" and so I shall keep repeating it. And I will tell you how I arrived and how the universe was actually created.

You know it as 'The Big Bang', however, we call it 'our birthday'.

The explosion was not caused by the over-excitement of atoms or whatever but it was from the Dimiourgós - I'll keep it simple and call It "Dimi". It was fleeing through the darkness as one galaxy died after another. It was a moment of chaos and life was dying out. Dimi knew there was something It could do to prevent life from perishing and so I - along with a few others - were created.
We were there to protect life and prevent it from dying out but of course, things did not turn out well.

Life had its flaws... Survival of the Fittest, wars, riots, yaddy yaddy ya... But there was some uplifting moments which we enjoyed but enough about me. You know enough already. Too much. I hope you will forget it.

Anyways, this story is all about you and I hope you studied well about the world's history as it is your cautionary tale.

So you are swallowed in sleep... Very well then.
I have no choice other than to do this...

I have to inhabit your body for now as the future depends on you, fellow mortal. Now...


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