Ignore your problems. New and old.

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=3rd P.O.V=

A night terror. Pit quickly arose from his sleep as he jumped up in shock and clutched his bedsheets tightly. Only, they weren't his bedsheets. 

It was one thin blanket laid gently across both him and his mother's laps. He looked to the sleeping green haired woman's calm expression and breathed deeply in and out to himself, praying to every God she'd just remain asleep. 

.. The gods aren't very kind. 

"Hm?" Palutena lifted her head up to find her son shaking and crying beside her on the couch. "Oh, Pit." The sight broke her heart and she gently allowed him to be held in her arms. Pit cried louder now, not worried about waking his mother and instead just allowed himself to be embraced by her caring warmth. 

Palutena tried to console him, tell him everything's okay. But that didn't stop the crying, that didn't stop the pain he felt inside. "Pit, I'm so sorry." Palutena let out a few silent tears herself. She didn't want Pit to know she was crying for him. Somehow though, without seeing or hearing his mother's tears, Pit knew of her crying and only felt worse for ruining every bit of happiness in her life. 

=Link's P.O.V.= 

I glanced up at the clock from my desk in Creative Writing and catch the time for the 15th time that day. 7:28. Nearly 30 minutes and Pit still hadn't arrived.

God, I'm such a mess! Did he see me?? I almost spoke to him. Spoke! God, what did I think I'd even say? Maybe he didn't like me in the first place at all and I'm just over thinking things..

"Hey, your name is Link. Right?" I hear as I notice the boy with blue hair who usually sits at the table next to mine actually speaking to me. I nod. The guy turns to the other one with red hair beside him before raising a nervous brow at me while he asks his question. "We saw you talking to Pit the other day-" I look at him quizzically in objection, but he cuts himself off, realizing his mistake. "Well, you know what I mean." He finishes and I nod. Backing him up, his red headed friend speaks up as well. "We were wondering if you knew where he could be?" 

Oh great, they've got no ideas either? I shook my head glumly and that was all it took for the blue haired one to give me a quick, "Thanks!" Before they both turned as to not get caught by the way tougher than she seems, strict teacher, Mrs. Peach.

All I know now is that, I'm worried. More now than before. 

I think two more minutes or so pass by and before the teacher can head any more in depth into the lesson we get a surprise visitor. 

"Mr. Hand..?" Mrs. Peach stands at her board in shock as the Principal of our school stands in the doorway, strangely enough as he entered without knocking first. "Hello Peach, sorry for interrupting your lesson but I've brought someone here who'd better stay here." That last part sounded more like a threat towards whoever he was talking about rather than him talking to our teacher. 

Previously, no-one was that interested. At least until Pit shows up at the door dressed in... wildly.. different clothes than before... "Pit!" Roy exclaims from his seat and all the darkly dressed Pit does is give him a glare. Several questions arise all around the room as people who hardly knew of Pit before were now suddenly super interested in everything about him. 

"Did you die your hair?" "I didn't know that was allowed!" "What's with the mean look..?" "Haha, look at all those piercings!" "Who's that?"

Things started getting a little out of hand and I noticed the irritation growing on Mrs. Peach's face from the corner of my eye. (Apparently so did the principal seeing as he just zoomed out of the room leaving this dark Pit behind..) "EVERYONE, QUIET!" The room went silent as Mrs. Peach glared daggers at the lot of us with one, sound splitting, smack of her ruler on the previously mentioned blackboard. Even Pit looked nervous for a second before quickly trying to cover it up by folding up the collar on his new leather jacket. 

"This-" Mrs. Peach began, gesturing towards Pit with her ruler. "Is not Pit Icarus. He is a new student.." 

Wait. What—? 

After a couple dozen shocked looks between us classmates our blonde teacher continued. "Sorry for the strange first day, but you may as well introduce yourself to the rest of the class." 

Taking a step forward this new.. guy... didn't seem nervous at all. Pretty impressive. "Name's Kuro," he stated with no signs of hesitation. "I'm new and I'm here now. Where do I sit exactly?" He turned to the teacher for the last question and she gave a sigh of frustration before answering. 

"Well we're missing our last new student for today so you can just sit in the empty seat beside his." Kuro doesn't thank her or anything, giving the teacher a slight nod before sauntering over and sitting right across from Roy and Marth. 

I guess we have a new... er student now. And he seems fine, though it is strange how much he looks like the Pit I spoke to yesterday.. I have no idea what's going on anymore...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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