Chanyeol's worst nightmare Part 2

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Thank you all so much for reading this collection, this is a continuation of  my last one shot. I couldn't leave it how I left it!! Yes it's  a little different and I did contemplate posting both parts as one long oneshot  and as an independent one. I however thought it fitted in with this collection. I do welcome feedback provided it's constructive and not plain mean.

A frantic silver haired man races through the hospital, desperate to get to the emergency ward. He knows he is followed by both Soo and Kai. He doesn't understand what Suho means, he knows Baek would never take their son out at this hour! Yes he admits he has missed calls this evening, and isn't surprised his callbacks have gone unanswered. He doesn't understand Baekhyun should be demanding his presence, especially if something is wrong with their precious little prince. Barging through the entry to the emergency ward he sees a white coated man,  target in site he clumsily speeds upto him.

"I'm looking for a Park Milo, I'm his father" he waits tapping his foot impatiently as the doctor scans the screen, what he says next only adds to his desperation "we don't have a Park Milo registered as a patient!" He is about to lose his mind, when he feels a a hard shove to his shoulder he turns to see Sehun who radiating with fury shouts, "where the fuck have you been!" It's Soo who responds, "Hunnie where is the baby, Suho said he was with you." Chanyeol thought he had a good grip on his emotions,  he doesn't! All he sees is red when he realises his son and husband are nowhere in sight!

"Chanyeol" the call of his name breaks through the mist buy it's not the melodic voice of his husband. He turns about to spit fire like a dragon, when he blinks getting a good look at who is in front of him.  It's Suho standing in front of him, holding something small. He recognises that sky blue blanket that seems to be moving. The frantic beat of his heart lessens slightly. Knowing his son is safe, he lets out a sob of relief and rushes to Suho's side. He can't help it he scans all visible parts, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Taking care he gently takes his son from his friend, and as if by magic Milo stops whatever fussing he was doing subconsciously. In order to settle Milo, Chanyeol places his precious son closer to his chest and whispers "Daddy has you my precious prince, I'm so sorry I'm never leaving like that ever again."

Now that the red mist is clearing, he notices someone very important is missing. He turns to face his friends, 2 of them sporting a mixture of stress and exhaustion. When the reality of why they are in the hospital slams in into him like a train. A flashback of Baekhyun earlier in the evening forms, his petite husband almost grey in colour, a sheen of sweat visible and delicate almost yellow hands clutching his stomach. He gasps, eyes widening oh god. "No no no" what the hell has he done! He doesn't here Soo or Kai mention answers or see them leave. He can only concentrate on what a fool he has been.

Chanyeol can't sit here he needs answers, as if sensing the distress radiating off him, he sees his friend Sehun come closer and take a thankfully sleeping Milo. He is about to express gratitude, when Soo and Kai return. "I couldn't get any answers, they will only speak to the next of kin, but we have been allocated a waiting room, they will send someone there with news." He turns to Sehun who for the first time seems sympathetic to him, giving each other a look of understanding. "Thank you I don't want Milo to pick up my frantic energy, I really need to get answers.

It's barely minutes after they enter the thankfully deserted waiting room, that a man in scrubs appears "Family of Park Baekhyun" Chanyeol stops fussing over Milo, and turns to the man. "I'm his husband, please what's going on, can i see him, no one has told me anything!" "Mr Park, I'm Dr Moon your husbands surgeon, Baekhyun has had a rough night! He is currently in a recovery room. Chanyeol can here the collective gasps, but presses on, "Dr Moon are you saying my husband has been in surgery?" "Yes he has had an emergency appendectomy."

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