Milo's First Xmas Tree

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Hello my lovelies, here is the final special extra chapter for this selection of one shots

Hope you all enjoy it.

Maria Carey's all I want for Christmas plays softly in the background, the smell of gingerbread wafts around the penthouse like a comforting blanket. Yet nothing is as precious as standing at the floor to ceiling window, with his baby in his arms listening to his little prince's squeals of delight as they watch the snow fall from the sky. "My precious prince do you like the snow, isn't it pretty?" Baekhyun smiles as Milo squeals again, he can't wait for their nine-month-old to be a toddler so he can fully experience the magic of Christmas. Baekhyun can't wait to take their prince sledging, visit the reindeer at lotte world and one day watch as those always curious eyes light up in delight at finally meeting Santa.

Baekhyun chuckles softy, as he remembers the pout his gentle giant wore when he suggested they wait until their little prince is bit older to go to the famous Lotte world Christmas parade. That's why today he has been working flat out to make their first Christmas as a family magical, their penthouse has become Santa's grotto. Fancy lights  and tinsel garlands cover every available door way, the fireplace has a mistletoe and holly garland made by the same florist who did their wedding boutonnieres. The piece de resistance is their seven-foot tree that has been adorned with traditional red vintage baubles that Suho bought for them in England, from a stupidly posh place call something and Mason. A selection of golden reindeers hang amongst the baubles and poinsettia he has painstaking attached. He smiles and feels so full of love as  he spies the golden M that now hangs in the centre of the tree. A very special tree decoration that matches the gold  B an C hanging artfully across the tree. All of these baubles hang in front of least 500 pretty golden fairy lights.

A pile of Presents sit under the tree ready for him to watch his precious heart open for their little Prince. Baekhyun smiles he can already picture how excited his gentle giant will be, pretty sure his love will be the most excited come morning. Beakhyun feels the blush at his cheeks for the one present not under the tree, the one safely hidden in his walk in wardrobe the one that will have them both shuddering in ecstasy. It will be the only present Chanyeol gets to open early, once their little one has a fully belly, a hot bath and is dreaming peacefully.

The only thing left to make this Santa grotto complete is for Chanyeol to come home, and to carry out their tradition of placing the star atop the tree. Feeling his phone in his pocket he kisses that soft fine baby hair "what do you say little guy want to help me ice the cookies, whist we wait for daddy?" He takes the gurgles and kicking of those adorable squishy legs as a yes, heading away from the snow fall outside. He cradles Milo close to his chest, as he picks up the baby bouncer and heads to the kitchen.

Chanyeol stands at the door way to the kitchen watching a pure vision, his husband is busy  singing and bouncing their giggling little Prince on his hip. He can't keep the smile off his face as he listens to Baekhyun try and match pitch with Maria Carey, a feet no mortal man can do even if they can sing. It makes his whole being feel warm and fuzzy as he watches how every high note his baby hits their precious prince squeals in delight. He will always be in awe of these moments, how natural his beautiful Baekhyun is with their son, he can't picture or believe how they lived their lives with out their precious heart. His thoughts are interrupted by a happy melodic "darling your home" and the loudest squeals of delight from their little prince. Moving from his spot by the door way he walks over and gently takes their wriggling son from Baekhyun's hip.

As he is lifting their happy babbling son he sees the gingerbread and the icing bags ready, now he knows why there house smells like Xmas. He couldn't be prouder of how far Baekhyun has come in terms of cooking, long gone are the days of just spicy cold ramen and kimchi and take out. He will never tell him he still won't be as good as Kungsoo, but his bulgogi and sundubu jjigae are better then his mums. The best dishes that his darling Baekhyun excels at are cookies, he didn't have to say it but he knows Baekhyun wanted to be the best at cookies so he is ready for the school fair and PTA meetings.

He goes to grab one, only to feel a sharp sting on his hand, making sure his pout is in place he looks at Baekhyun only to find him smiling was he wags his fingers! "I know, I know they aren't finished" all he can do is smile sheepishly as Baekhyun wears his stern face, one that instantly melts in to one of adoration. The reason why evident when he feels their son gently rest his head in the crook of his neck, "sleepy boy" "you will always be his safe place." Chanyeol can't help himself and gently runs his hand across that ever so soft baby hair just as he feels those delicate tiny fists curl up his shirt.

He looks up at Baekhyun, and can't help but smile at the unconditional love he sees, "do you want me to put him down for a nap?" "In a minute we have one more thing to do before we can put him down." Chanyeol smiles, he knows exactly what his precious heart is referring to gently removing his hand from the back of Milo's head he holds his hand out, loving how that dainty hand fits perfectly into his palm.

Seconds later he stands next to the new focal point of their penthouse, in all its crowning glory. The golden fairy lights make the reds and golds of what he is sure are some rather expensive baubles twinkle just like the stars. He holds in his hand the last ornament to add, a golden nutcracker that Baekhyun kept from his childhood. Turning to face Baekhyun who he notices is gently stroking the back of their precious prince, whilst smiling softly at him. Gently so as not to disturb the precious cargo in one arm he leans up and places the antique golden nutcracker atop the tree. Completing their tradition he leans down and captures a soft lips in a gentle kiss, both he and Baekhyun chuckle when Milo lets out the most adorable whine. He looks to his love who nods his head before mouthing 3 2 1 leaning into kiss each cheek and whisper "merry Christmas our little Prince" together.

So that's a wrap on A New Baby extra chapters, I figured a little bit of festiveness from our favourite duo would make everyone smile.

Let me know what you think
Back to work I go ❤️

Just a quick message to say a massive thank you to you all for reading this, and for getting this over 400 votes. I have made a special 3 part story to thank everyone it's called a night to remember. I can also say I have a few ideas for A Mafia King and Children of the moon so please stay tuned for those.


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